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View Full Version : Pro Choice Or Pro Life

01-16-2008, 21:01
what are you,

personally i think abortion is wrong unless its a special case like rape, in all other cases it was your decision to have sex, so why not live with the consequences

01-17-2008, 00:56
As a Male I say it's not mine or any old guy in Washington DC's decision. I'm Pro Choice. Although if there is just a girl being a floozy then she should have to keep it.

Mr President
01-17-2008, 01:02
As a Male I say it's not mine or any old guy in Washington DC's decision. I'm Pro Choice. Although if there is just a girl being a floozy then she should have to keep it.

I don't feel that abortion should be used as a birth control method, and i also don't think a girl who was forced into sex (rape) should have to have that child, but i have a huge amount of respect for those who have been raped and still have the child.

@ Satan, i hope you just mean the law makers and other people in the world and that you don't think the father has any say in it either. Cause what gets me is, the father has no say, but yet if she has the baby he is then forced into paying child support.. So it's kinda like saying your nothing more then a money bag... lol

Fathers should have a say, and BOTH mother and father should make the decision.

It is a really hard call and i have always believed that it is between the parents of the baby, and god...

01-17-2008, 01:19
I guess the reason I feel this way about abortions is because my girlfriend is a little of a feminist (except she shaves her legs). And I realize that men really don't get any choice at all, but i guess it evens out since they are the onces to push it out.

01-25-2008, 18:22
I'm anti-life. There's way too many people on the planet already. If you find any legitimate reason for getting rid of one more it's good.

And if you're pro-life, why should rape matter? Should children born as a result of rape have less rights than other children?

01-25-2008, 19:42
though you have a point about the rights of the child of rape, it could be a cause of the woman being depressed with her little constant reminder of being raped.

01-25-2008, 21:09
I don't consider it life until the baby is actually born, so I completely support the woman's right to choose. I'm just pointing out an inconsistency. If you consider the unborn child as life, allowing abortion due to a woman being raped would pretty much mean allowing murder to make someone feel better about their situation.

01-26-2008, 09:25
unless its to save the mother's life or if the child will have no real chance of having a "normal" life then there is no choice. keep the baby. there is adoption. there are many families who cannot conceive that will give that child a great home.

01-26-2008, 16:57
As a Male I say it's not mine or any old guy in Washington DC's decision. I'm Pro Choice. Although if there is just a girl being a floozy then she should have to keep it.

you think a child should be allowed to be brough up with a woman who doesnt want the baby? or if shes just a floozy who lives on the street she should be made to keep it?

i would say pro choice. these people who say abortion is murder and complain about it so much should seriously be shot. do the same people complain about capital punishment? do the same people complain about really murders and the inocent victims being killed? or the men and women being killing in war zones? i bet they dont and that makes then hypocrites, and hypocrites arnt worth the time to listen to the constant dribble that comes out there mouths :) lol

01-27-2008, 00:25
I am also pro-choice.

What is a 18 year old girl going to do with a child? How is she going to feed it, clothe it, give it a home? How will she have the time to care for a child, and live her own life? And how will the child feel, growing up living in that situation?

I won't go to extreme and say overpopulation is already a problem, might as well support abortion.

But maybe we should spend less time fighting over this issue and more time educating kids on birth control.

On Vinnies point, i totally agree. When Heath Ledger died (i had no idea who he was), my friends were all taking about it in a depressing tone, and i was outraged. Why should the media spend so much time reporting on this story, when half my friends don't know or care that riot police are killing so many innocent people in Kenya over a disputed election? Oh no, you can't murder a child who hasn't even been born yet, but go ahead and kill hundreds of children in Kenya.

01-28-2008, 09:26
I am also pro-choice.

What is a 18 year old girl going to do with a child? How is she going to feed it, clothe it, give it a home? How will she have the time to care for a child, and live her own life? And how will the child feel, growing up living in that situation?

I won't go to extreme and say overpopulation is already a problem, might as well support abortion.

But maybe we should spend less time fighting over this issue and more time educating kids on birth control.

On Vinnies point, i totally agree. When Heath Ledger died (i had no idea who he was), my friends were all taking about it in a depressing tone, and i was outraged. Why should the media spend so much time reporting on this story, when half my friends don't know or care that riot police are killing so many innocent people in Kenya over a disputed election? Oh no, you can't murder a child who hasn't even been born yet, but go ahead and kill hundreds of children in Kenya.

even though an 18 year old girl is not well equipped to take care of a child, it is her fault for fornicating in the first place

I am pro choice, but i think the parents should be made to take responsibility for their actions, they are the ones having unprotected sex and making them, so they should have to take care of them, but if they both decide on an abortion, then that is what they decide on.

I watched an episode of boston legal the other night, a woman preformed felation on a man, a man who did not want to conceive a child, she then took is semen and put it into a test tube that she had. She then took the tube to a fertility clinic, and had them plant the semen in her egg, hence making her pregnant. So what do you say in that situation? she WANTS to be a mother, but the father does not, and he has no say? it was an ill conceived child, is an abortion due? i think so, but that is just me lol ( and it is just a tv show, but it kinda fits in with this topic)

01-29-2008, 07:23
in that case i would say she can have the child but the father isnt obligated to provide for the child or have to pay maintenance. although that wouldnt happen cos i would asume the mother would demand it like a typical woman :P

01-29-2008, 22:42
in that case i would say she can have the child but the father isnt obligated to provide for the child or have to pay maintenance. although that wouldnt happen cos i would asume the mother would demand it like a typical woman :P

I agree with this, I would have to say that I am pro choice who chooses life. I have been in a situation such as this and it doesn't feel good no matter what the outcome. There is no right answer to this question. Just as there is no right answer to "do you like brussels sprouts". I know that is an over the top analogy, I'm just sayin...

02-08-2008, 21:56
Overpopulation is the greatest challenge we face. That should be good enough reason. Sex is the single most powerful urge we all have. Are we going to police that urge and say that anyone having sex should face the consequences from such an action? I say no. Just because some ****ed up religious fanatics think that the result of a "roll in the hay" are sacred life, that's just not good enough to me.

As for the practicalities, if a woman decides to raise a child herself without the concent of the sperm donator, of course, he shouldn't have any economic responsibilities as long he doesn't have choice on whether the child is born or not. It's a unilateral decision made by the mother and she has to deal with the consequenses of such a desicion.

02-09-2008, 02:23
Overpopulation is the greatest challenge we face. That should be good enough reason. Sex is the single most powerful urge we all have. Are we going to police that urge and say that anyone having sex should face the consequences from such an action? I say no. Just because some ****ed up religious fanatics think that the result of a "roll in the hay" are sacred life, that's just not good enough to me.

As for the practicalities, if a woman decides to raise a child herself without the concent of the sperm donator, of course, he shouldn't have any economic responsibilities as long he doesn't have choice on whether the child is born or not. It's a unilateral decision made by the mother and she has to deal with the consequenses of such a desicion.

Little known fact: Something Humans and Dolphins have in common.

Bram Gotink
02-09-2008, 12:36
I thought only Humans and Bonobos (monkeys) enjoyed having sex...
Never heard the story with the dolphins before ... never

But back to the topic : I am pro-Choice.
Why? Because if you say pro-Life, you have a lot of extra problems :
- Where do we put the "border" between life and death? When MAY one put an end to her baby's life? There will always be cases in which that will be a little hard to decide. Let them decide.
- Where do we put the "border" between life and non-life? When is an embryo actually alive? From day 1 ? No, in Europe, you "live" after 6 weeks (I think)
In the US you start living after 8 weeks (if I remember correctly)

And for the Weltschmerz-lovers : Do we really want to put a new, pure, innocent baby on this rotten world of incompetence, corrupt adults and imperfection?

02-09-2008, 14:46
well humans and dolphins are the only animals (I think that's the noun i was looking for) that will have sex just for fun. thus Monkeys don't.

02-11-2008, 01:57
I am Pro-Choice Pro-Life. Sounds like I am not choosing but let me explain. My view is that I think people have every right to choice to have sex or not. That is where the choice is. To have sex or not to have sex, to use a condom or not to use a condom or any other of the inexpensive birth control options. I do think the government or other agencies should be promoting the use of birth control and making them extremely inexpensive.

Once you are pregnant, an abortion is murder. If you dont want to have a kid then do not have sex. Or be prepared if there is an accident and you do get pregnant.

There are a lot of specific cases that doesnt cover, one is rape. My view is that the rapist should be held accountable. that he pay the woman 15k a year( not directly but through a state agency. also that 5k be put into a bank account per year for 18 years for the child. Lower is fine or a fixed amount but her choice in sex was taken away from her and therefore the rapist should have to pay for his crimes along with jail or whatever other time. (Money be paid by state and rapist owe state)

My thought on all of this is How much a child is wanted doesnt determine the value of his life. Right now if a person kills a pregnant woman they are charged with 2 counts of murder. If a wanted child is killed then it is murder why is an unwanted child being killed not.

In todays advanced medical treatments I doubt there is times where you have to take the life of a child to save the mothers, this is the only time that an abortion should be allowed and only after all other options are not able to be performed or have failed.

Once again I will state that the choice is in choosing to have sex or not to have sex.

Normally i would have given a bad analogy here but ive learned not to.
As for the people saying that if your pro life you have to be against capital punishment, I say you do not have to. You are comparing the life of an innocent child to that of a guilty person. Do not forget that a child has done nothing to have their life taken from them while a person getting the death penalty is guilty of something big.
That is a whole nother topic

This is going to be long I apologize for that but this is one of the biggest issues facing our times.

I would like to voice some things more about the topic. As a male the only choices i have is to use birth control or to not have sex. The women in America today has all the choices to make, the same as the man along with abortion or keeping the child.

A man's choice to keep a child will never in todays world be taken over the choice of a womans to kill the child today. I know it is a big event in a womans life to choice between keeping a child that they may not want or have the means to bring up.

One thing that I has wracked my brain and hurt my heart is that if a father wants to have his child and the mother doesnt that the mother can hurry and get an abortion or not even tell the father that she is going to have one.

My ex girlfriend( not for that reason) has told me that if she ever got pregnant she would not tell me and would have an abortion.

I guess im saying all this because i can not understand what has happened. I know there was concern voiced over a woman keeping a child and the father having to pay child support even if he doesnt want it as I am in support of that. but that the other way isnt true. That if a man wants the child but the mother doesnt that she can have an abortion.

I would be all for the child being brought into this world and then the mother giving up her parental rights to the child to the father and having no child support being given by the mother, that would be much better than what we have now.

The First Lady
02-11-2008, 19:24

There is so much to be said about this topic and so much has already been said. I think that everyone should have the right to choose per their own personal situation at that time. Maybe a couple has 6 young children and they have no medical benefits and can barely feed the ones they have. Is it fair to bring another into the world? Yes they can give it up for adoption, but if they cant even feed their children how could they ever get enough nutrients to properly care for the unborn? No one can ever know the thoughts/feelings/needs of someone else and no one knows why someone might decide that its the right thing for them at whatever point of life they are in.

But this is not something to be used as birth control either.

Someone said "What is an 18 year old to do with a child?" Thats a silly question. An 18 year old is legally an adult and has made the choice to engage in sex. She is old enough to drive, to get a job, to vote and to make her own decisions. She has the right to decide if she should have the child and provide the love it deserves and she should have the right not to. But she is perfectly capable for caring for and raising a child. 30 years ago all new parents were 18-20 years old weren't they? And they seemed to be able to raise children just fine.

Someone else said that they don't consider it a life until its born...are you aware that a fetus' heartbeat begins by the 6th week after conception, that the major organs are already developing? How can this not be considered life?

ok I am getting carried away & I promised I would never have a post as long as Mr Presidents - So, I will just say - Pro-Choice. Its not a decision some law maker can make. It is something that is situational and cannot be put out there as a simple "should or shouldn't", "right or wrong" because this is something that is not black or white....

02-11-2008, 20:01
But this is not something to be used as birth control either.

put perfectly!

02-12-2008, 19:47
how can you use abortion as something other than birth control?

02-12-2008, 22:43
well i think that they meant that you shouldn't just have lots of sex and then if you get pregnant just get an abortion.

Mr President
02-12-2008, 23:10
how can you use abortion as something other than birth control?

What the lovely first lady was implying is, girls should not be allowed to go out and keep getting pregnant and keep having abortions.

Bram Gotink
02-13-2008, 09:02
What the lovely first lady was implying is, girls should not be allowed to go out and keep getting pregnant and keep having abortions.

May I add that she might have implied that you can use it to save the life of a mother, who would otherwise be killed while giving birth
or otherwise not capable of giving birth without dying or getting extremely hurt/sick.

I actually read an article about teenage mothers.
One of them was 12 when she got her first child. Now she's 16 and she's pregnant again. Obviously, she doesn't want to go to school anymore (well, she has to until she's 18, but then she stops).
I'm sorry, Mr.P and the Miss P (:D), but these people should (and need to) be protected from themselves. Abortion can be a way to do so. Have I mentioned that the body of a 12-yr old isn't ready to give birth? You probably figured that out already...