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View Full Version : Military Production

09-03-2009, 22:12
What percent is best for the Military Production?? I'm doing casher and I've had it set at 0%. (Yes, I know about having the tax rate at 50%!)

09-03-2009, 22:25
IF you are running casher the production level mean nothing. That is only if you are building Industrial sites.

Bram Gotink
09-04-2009, 03:47
So if you are casher, 0% is the best for all of them (you might grab an indy someday, and that could give nasty surprises -- "huh? why do I have bombers/sam/tanks ?" or "huh? my upkeep goes up instead of staying the same... now I red turned - twice :(")

09-04-2009, 04:57
So if you are casher, 0% is the best for all of them (you might grab an indy someday, and that could give nasty surprises -- "huh? why do I have bombers/sam/tanks ?" or "huh? my upkeep goes up instead of staying the same... now I red turned - twice :(")

If you grabbed someone who gave you enough production to red turn that's a hell of a grab lol, or you're bad at working out how much you need on hand...

Bram Gotink
09-04-2009, 05:05
I was short on food, but I wouldn't have red turned if them stuipd IZs didn't produce extra useless troops.

09-04-2009, 08:13
I Messaged you in game Ragnar with a detailed explination.