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03-25-2008, 14:02
So does anyone happen to airsoft here, if so post about your guns and gear

My guns
M4 Tactical Ris
M4a1 echo 1
Vsr10-upgraded 500 + fps

03-25-2008, 14:09
i paintball :p

03-25-2008, 14:15
yeah i used to paintball but airsoftin is somewhat cheaper and more realistic ;)

03-25-2008, 16:36
i wish i did :)

03-25-2008, 22:58
I only shoot to kill. :clap:

My pride and Joy is and M1 Grand I refurbished to original specs. I traced parts of it back to an infantry unit in WWII.

I also have a Red Rider that I don't ever shoot cause I'm worried I'll put my eye out. :)

03-26-2008, 00:08
M4a1 Tokyo Marui 500+ fps
M4a1 jingjong (CQB Type) 420 fps
AirGun Pistol 400+ fps

i tried paintball once and did not like it.. :p

03-26-2008, 03:06
I have an electronic M4, a Co2 pistol, and a longish range electronic rifle that I cant recall the name of that I use to "snipe" when I play Airsoft. My usual tactic, when I get a chance to play, is have both of my rifles on a strap and start off with my longer range rifle. After I deplete the clip (which is only about six shots because I lost the clip that came with it [held 400 shots]) then I get behind cover and switch to my M4. I rarely ever use the pistol just because usually no one else has a Co2 powered airsoft gun, plus it hurts like a son of a ***** at close range, but if I ever run out of ammo in both my rifles I will pull it out and shoot at anyone I see.

03-26-2008, 13:55
wow kenneth those are some impressive guns must of spent a ton on that tm. Do they have regulation speeds at parks you play at or do you play with friends.

03-26-2008, 18:31
i only use the CQB type during competition because the limit is 450 fps, and i dont want to downgrade my tm..:)

i use the tm with my friends lol and they f00king hate me for that :P

03-26-2008, 19:04
acctual comp would be fun. never done it. i play paintball now n then

03-26-2008, 21:55
haha nice man that would hurt so bad to get shot in the hands or face

i hate getting shot in the hands and face.....