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View Full Version : Couple of New implements

Mr President
08-30-2008, 17:10
First, as some of you may have already noticed, in a nation overview (when ppl click on your tag from the scores page) there is a new quick stats box which gives.... well.... quick stats lol..

I have also finished the script to allow nation leaders to upload a URL for a nation banner. These images must be hosted on another site. Once you have it hosted, you simply upload the URL and it will be displayed on your nation view.

There will be a limit on how large of a pic you can have as well as rules for appropriate banners to be displayed.

Any nation that abuses this will receive a harsh punishment. The nation will be destroyed and all the members with the priv to upload the URL will be banned. Even if you were not the one who did it... So please use this nice new feature the way it was intended to be used for.

The script has been made. I'm just running some tests on it. So it's not implemented yet, but should be by tuesday at the latest.


08-30-2008, 17:41
I think that is cool

Crimson Shadow
08-30-2008, 17:58
cool, thanks mr p

08-31-2008, 00:52
lol me and chriss have some good dieas =]

08-31-2008, 05:09
The game is getting better and better! Good Job!

08-31-2008, 17:54
what about old implements?

Mr President
08-31-2008, 21:59
Nation Leaders can now upload a banner for the nation. A strict 600x100 limit is set in place, So please follow it.

Only Nation leaders can upload banners! (you'll see a new tab next to nation setup called "Nation Banners"

what about old implements?

In reply to this. Just about everything on that list was been completed. The scores pages are almost ready for testing and then will be releases. And the tournament server is ready to roll. I will pick an opening weekend soon to start it.

As for the random factors for spies, again that is still being worked on. These things take time to test prior to being released on the main game to be tested even more. We are moving ahead.. Perhaps not as fast as some would like, but i'm to blame for that. I refuse to make to many changes to fast without properly testing and making sure these changes are 100% accepted.


08-31-2008, 22:50
Nation Leaders can now upload a banner for the nation. A strict 600x100 limit is set in place, So please follow it.

Only Nation leaders can upload banners! (you'll see a new tab next to nation setup called "Nation Banners"

In reply to this. Just about everything on that list was been completed. The scores pages are almost ready for testing and then will be releases. And the tournament server is ready to roll. I will pick an opening weekend soon to start it.

As for the random factors for spies, again that is still being worked on. These things take time to test prior to being released on the main game to be tested even more. We are moving ahead.. Perhaps not as fast as some would like, but i'm to blame for that. I refuse to make to many changes to fast without properly testing and making sure these changes are 100% accepted.


If only GWB was like Mr. Prez....


08-31-2008, 23:58
mr p, you are the man :)

09-01-2008, 00:14
mr p, you are the man :)

Nice sig... where'd u find that?

And yes.. great job Mr. Prez!!!

09-03-2008, 21:48
Nice sig... where'd u find that?

And yes.. great job Mr. Prez!!!

my bud sean is a great great man :)