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09-04-2008, 20:09
This post here is a formal announcement to the community and will include my personal apology in the post.

First i would like to post that the FA of LoR due to Devil's retiring :( is between Kanny and Me and Pron. P.S.( Devil im gonna bring you back soon again)

Now stating the post above, in most your minds the statement somewhere along the lines of Ali that **** head cheater, or something of Kanman the guy who broke the nap and his word, and Pron well we like him, will arise.

Also it is apparent to me through what devil said, with this game being less fun and more of a job is now true in my eyes too. With so much warring we did I think we did in fact hurt the community, thus we receive the attitude we do.

The only aspect that i want to emphasis on in this post is that guys i know we are hated i am hated, but this game is going no where as it stands with the wars we started and the wars that continue to this day.

I have hurt this community and i would assume that the community wants me to leave as well, but please read my whole post.

I have cheated in this game gave my account to another friend to run, he used proxies and i was banned.

I just honestly think we really need to work out on making this community bigger. I want changes to occur to bring back players and actually help in the effort, instead of driving players off through the wars.

Those of you that want to continue the grudges and wars please do go right ahead but those of you that want the community to grow and to help revise the way this game is please post here.

I know most of you like dogma, tnova, max, anton, dboz, hoe, Prob think all this is BS, but look at the community basis and tell me if its not worth the try to try and make a move for change?

IF the community helps out in change i think we as in the nation LoR can help too. But we need to unite this means the end of the grudges and ****, I am willing to sacrifice my state as a token to this dedication and to the mistakes i have done.

I will also step up my activity as much as i can to help clean LoR up and the multieing acts that happen in it. I think we need to work together though. Small things like not shooting this post down, or just throwing it away as another LoR thrash statement will help this movement.

To those of you that bash this statement that its another lie another bs statement i want to ask you guys something. What will you gain from another grudge war? What will you gain from not trying? What will this game gain? All that will happen is a total war like usual, which btw LoR does indeed love lol, but it doesn't help the community. I want to see massive build up in the game server help Prez out in an increased amount of members. I want this game to become FUN AGAIN!!!!! ATM no matter what you guys say it is dieing and we have been in many ways a reason for it, but it too is the reason why im posting it so we can be the ones to try and start the movement to reconstruction which i doubt will succeed as most of you upon this post will just read and bash it.

Saying you have already given LoR so many tries and they dont' change their ways. But at the point we are in atm IF you don't give LoR the chance to move around and try to do some good things this game will die or at very least never grow.

Also i know its prob. been a torture for you guys to read this post, prob some of you thinking **** ali in his pink name has no room to speak and he just posted all this **** and expects us to listen.

I don't expect anyone to make an initiative to try this change, cause we all have our egos and don't trust each other but its about the game now and not individuals. The game needs members, and for those of you that think LoR leaving will increase members its not true, because no matter the nuisance we have been, we have been the ones that keep the posts and views in the forums at peek highs and are the ones that are in the mix of things, but we can try and work as a unit as one basis and forget about hating each other for now, and help the game rise.



09-04-2008, 20:19
Apology accepted, and you accepted.

Call me naive but I support Ali's attempt to change himself.

09-04-2008, 20:19
nice post...to bad it comes from a cheater

09-04-2008, 20:24
nice post...to bad it comes from a cheater

hehehe i take that as a compliment as it is prob hard for you to straight forward agree with me.

Don't worry i am a lovable guy :tt1:

09-04-2008, 20:31
All i want to know is why is my name involved in all of this? I've never posted anything in regards to the matter. I haven't publicly bashed or privately tried to set up large wars against LoR.

Sure my small nation has been picked on by LoR and i don't have positive feelings about you or Kanman. But I'm not a suicider and I'm not trying to get nations to attack you guys. I considered all things in the past buried and wouldn't be aggressive towards LoR unless they did the same thing to others as they did to my small nation.

This post is great. I'm glad to see you feeling similar to how i feel about the game. I doesn't change how i feel one bit on a personal level because the trust is just not there. No one is going to totally wipe the slate clean, because words are words, and actions are generally a better guide.

Fun=Win :)

09-04-2008, 20:45
All i want to know is why is my name involved in all of this? I've never posted anything in regards to the matter. I haven't publicly bashed or privately tried to set up large wars against LoR.

Sure my small nation has been picked on by LoR and i don't have positive feelings about you or Kanman. But I'm not a suicider and I'm not trying to get nations to attack you guys. I considered all things in the past buried and wouldn't be aggressive towards LoR unless they did the same thing to others as they did to my small nation.

This post is great. I'm glad to see you feeling similar to how i feel about the game. I doesn't change how i feel one bit on a personal level because the trust is just not there. No one is going to totally wipe the slate clean, because words are words, and actions are generally a better guide.

Fun=Win :)

Sorry but when i stated your name it wasn't to include it as a negative manner it was just cause i felt that feeling of void between you and me and def. it is justified.

Also the clean slate can't be achieved as words are words. But a commitment by both us and the community need to be stabilized, don't trust us but don't start grudges and wars with us either, lets try to take it neutrally in the same direction to build the member count. My eyes were more opened by Devil and thats why i stressed this so much that i want change i want to play with not 160 members i want to play with 700 members i want 50-60 member nations i want us to be back in the age where you didn't have to just war one nation or one side, diversity where netting and warring coexist and game strides.

And tnova members like you and dogma and other veterans can be the leaders in this reconstruction people look up to you, i just want more members and i want overall success and the constant wars aren't achieving that.

09-04-2008, 21:00
Given the running history of lor and all the mess of broken ___ and warring whomever whenever, it'll be hard for most of the community to accept the apology at face value. However, I agree with your point on the community needing to be bigger. Its pretty much the old WoW core mixed with a small smattering of new players. Before we carry grudges and war recklessly on small nations, we need to get our player count above 200.

I remember when state numbers for restarts were in the thousands. Then it dropped to the high hundreds, then where we are now.

Drag some noobs into the game if you really wanna help. lol

Crimson Shadow
09-04-2008, 21:11
Apology accepted, and you accepted.

Call me naive but I support Ali's attempt to change himself.

My sediments exactly.

Hopefully now LoR can turn a new leaf and return to its old glory days.

09-04-2008, 21:23
Ali, I trust you like a baby bear trusts its mama bear.

09-04-2008, 21:34
I respected Devil from the point that I hated him. That made this game "Fun" because he was a source of pure evil. We had a shady and devious nation in the form of LoR. This gave the light side something to be against. (Yin/Yang) Thus it made the Wars justified and entertaining. It's like hating the New York Yankees.

Sadly, Devil has chosen to leave. (Or pretend to leave.:)) HE was not the problem other than he allowed Ali and others to have too much power. I view Ali as a shady player and of course a cheater. Ali is the most un-respected player in the game. In baseball terms, Ali is Barry Bonds on steroids.

*Ali, if you truly want to reform yourself take the time to play the game right and stay out of leadership positions. In the old days, Devil ran LoR though many massive wars that earned him respect. You on the other hand take short cuts in the form of blindsiding players and nations that have no chance of defending themselves. With Devil gone, let Kanman call the shots. Kanman is, at the very least, an intelligent player.

Mr President
09-04-2008, 21:37
Nice post Ali. I truly hope you mean every word of it and that you follow through with it.

One thing i would like to make very clear is, this game will go on no matter what. Even if that means i have to rebuild it from the ground back up, it will go on. It's great having all the old players back, but i think we have as many of them back as we are going to get. So this is why i have been doing things to go out and get more members. Won't happen overnight, but we will gain new ones.

I was doing some thinking the other day and was trying to figure out where this game really changed. And i think one main thing that has changed is, we all take things pretty personal now. When Svenne ran things in the early days, there were friends, but for the most part people warred to get what they wanted and then didn't ever feel like they betrayed someone. Right now, if USA wars someone, chances are pretty good we have ticked off friends and they take it personal. Our community is tight and strong, but with that it's also a double edged sword. Cause now anytime something happens we take it personally and we don't look at it as "eh it's just a game".

Another area is the politics of this game. Before there use to be alliances, but that's about it. Nations didn't use diplomacy 1/4 as much as they do now. With diplomacy comes deals and agreements and bonds and ties and all of this together can only spell disaster at some point. And i think we are at that point. And i feel i have to take a lot of that blame......

When i first came to WoW, there was little diplomacy and i was a huge driving force to making it happen. And now, thats all this game is about.. DIPLOMACY!

It is a great aspect of the game that i love the most, but i also think to much of it hurts the game too. People want to get on and have fun and most of the time warring is what is fun. I mean really, who doesn't love doing a FS and taking out 3/4 of the enemies nation lol

So between the tight friendships and forced diplomacy, it always feels like our hands are tied, which in return makes the game not as fun..

let me get back on topic, lol LoR has always been known for shady tactics. People say LoR drives members away. I don't think it's all LoR. We all have made some bad deals and made mistakes. So if LoR wants to stand up and help be a driving force for change in the game, then i'm all ears and i look forward to it.

In my honest opinion, i think we should take the rest of this set and just have a huge blowout. Anyone who has grudges, get your revenge this set and then next set we all just start fresh. Asking ppl to just drop it all without being able to get some revenge will never work. So that is why i think we dedicate this set and call it a "grudge" set and get it all off our chests..

Our game is young. We are only 5 months old. Nobody can say this game is going to die. It's way to early for that. Regular members will fade away and new ones will come in. It's how it works. And we will have hundreds of players playing this game.. Mark my words.. May not be today, may not be tomorrow but it will happen!

09-04-2008, 21:42
If everyone is on the same side how can we be enemies?

09-04-2008, 21:43
OK, Here is my opinion **** you and the horse you rode in on!!!!
Nah im just kidding lol i have no problem with anyone in LOR with the exception of having known cheaters in the nation. IMO cheating takes the fun out of the game. I am a newbie when it comes to NW i wasnt around for WOW and this is only my 4th set and as far as the happenings and dealings of what happened and what went on i only know what affected me and that was last set.I have no personal grudge against anyone in this game except Foxhound i would like to return the favor of killing you but it wont happen cause im not that kind of person.I agree with your post and hope you do work everything out within LOR i have been trying to recruit new members into this game as my brother Rass got me hooked im sure my wife will be divorcing me soon thanks bro.If i can do anything to help you guys out i will be more than happy to.
Good luck and lets get this game a Rollin Rollin Rollin.

09-04-2008, 21:44
Ali you have my support in anything you wanna do for good, turn bad and i'll r@pe you.

I think its worth giving him the chance, he wrote a very very large post he took my time reading it, and he convinced me. There's nothing we can lose.

Support from 6th Inferno.

09-04-2008, 22:31
Nice post Ali. I truly hope you mean every word of it and that you follow through with it.

One thing i would like to make very clear is, this game will go on no matter what. Even if that means i have to rebuild it from the ground back up, it will go on. It's great having all the old players back, but i think we have as many of them back as we are going to get. So this is why i have been doing things to go out and get more members. Won't happen overnight, but we will gain new ones.

I was doing some thinking the other day and was trying to figure out where this game really changed. And i think one main thing that has changed is, we all take things pretty personal now. When Svenne ran things in the early days, there were friends, but for the most part people warred to get what they wanted and then didn't ever feel like they betrayed someone. Right now, if USA wars someone, chances are pretty good we have ticked off friends and they take it personal. Our community is tight and strong, but with that it's also a double edged sword. Cause now anytime something happens we take it personally and we don't look at it as "eh it's just a game".

Another area is the politics of this game. Before there use to be alliances, but that's about it. Nations didn't use diplomacy 1/4 as much as they do now. With diplomacy comes deals and agreements and bonds and ties and all of this together can only spell disaster at some point. And i think we are at that point. And i feel i have to take a lot of that blame......

When i first came to WoW, there was little diplomacy and i was a huge driving force to making it happen. And now, thats all this game is about.. DIPLOMACY!

It is a great aspect of the game that i love the most, but i also think to much of it hurts the game too. People want to get on and have fun and most of the time warring is what is fun. I mean really, who doesn't love doing a FS and taking out 3/4 of the enemies nation lol

So between the tight friendships and forced diplomacy, it always feels like our hands are tied, which in return makes the game not as fun..

let me get back on topic, lol LoR has always been known for shady tactics. People say LoR drives members away. I don't think it's all LoR. We all have made some bad deals and made mistakes. So if LoR wants to stand up and help be a driving force for change in the game, then i'm all ears and i look forward to it.

In my honest opinion, i think we should take the rest of this set and just have a huge blowout. Anyone who has grudges, get your revenge this set and then next set we all just start fresh. Asking ppl to just drop it all without being able to get some revenge will never work. So that is why i think we dedicate this set and call it a "grudge" set and get it all off our chests..

Our game is young. We are only 5 months old. Nobody can say this game is going to die. It's way to early for that. Regular members will fade away and new ones will come in. It's how it works. And we will have hundreds of players playing this game.. Mark my words.. May not be today, may not be tomorrow but it will happen!

Also yeah i am fine i understand some grudges are hard to drop just like that if this set is to be grudge war set or anything like that let it be the last then lets start building back up.

Also About me cheating i have cheated and i will be taking a step lower in the leadership roll and will have Kanman do as much as he can/wants but he doesn't like to deal to often in FA but i still run everything by him as to what is to be done and not and to make sure he is good with it.

This post here was done by me cause i felt i had to say something as a good friend of mine Devil left and it made me ponder that nothing new is happening in this game.

Also its not the matter of fact of being everyone one side its a matter of ending these long multiple sets of war and driving players away so we can bring in some players once we get good count of members nations stabilized then we can begin to have a platform on which wars can happen and they can end with no grudge and member count not affected.

As it is now wars just become world wars as we are so tight like prez said and that just hurts the game as we are at each others throats rather than concentrating on growing the community.

I want to see how it use to be. Average nation size was 30-35 and small nations were considered 15-20... large nations 50-60... We use to have all those elements which made this game diverse. Now its just 15-20 being considered Large and everything below that small their is no Middle class room and that brings the clustering of alliances to get "gang bangs" and we keep the cycle alive through warring because we got hit then you got hit and stuff like that, its become a routine and you know what we have been a huge reason for that. We started the cycle and it continues to go around in a circle of hatred, members of a nation that participated in that war hold grudges and the leaders have to react to it cause of the constraints on members we hold.

We need to come to the conclusion as a whole and im willing to pay for my mishaps as a leader, and my shadiness. But Mark my words nothing i have done was meant to hurt the community but it's in my eyes now that somethings we did actually did hurt or at least did not promote growth of the game.

AGAIN sorry for the long post i think i am becoming prez, just not as cool :P

09-04-2008, 22:45
Sorry but when i stated your name it wasn't to include it as a negative manner it was just cause i felt that feeling of void between you and me and def. it is justified.

Also the clean slate can't be achieved as words are words. But a commitment by both us and the community need to be stabilized, don't trust us but don't start grudges and wars with us either, lets try to take it neutrally in the same direction to build the member count. My eyes were more opened by Devil and thats why i stressed this so much that i want change i want to play with not 160 members i want to play with 700 members i want 50-60 member nations i want us to be back in the age where you didn't have to just war one nation or one side, diversity where netting and warring coexist and game strides.

And tnova members like you and dogma and other veterans can be the leaders in this reconstruction people look up to you, i just want more members and i want overall success and the constant wars aren't achieving that.

Thanks for the clarification. But know this, i have distance with 99% of NW. I talk to about as many people as i have fingers on one hand on a weekly basis. You tend to think our distance is due to things that have happened, when the truth is if the wrongings never happened, the situation would be the same as it is right now.

I have no grudge with LoR. The past wrong was followed by a very entertaining retal set for me. So i considered it even at that point. I have no problems with 95% of the players in LoR. They are loyal, dedicated people and i have a high admiration of them. Unfortunately a few have made a bad impression. And i will extend the same courtesy i would give anyone else in rebuilding trust. But don't expect love notes or common conversations from me as a validation. After all people who have done absolutely nothing wrong to me get the same treatment. :)

09-04-2008, 22:55
Also yeah i am fine i understand some grudges are hard to drop just like that if this set is to be grudge war set or anything like that let it be the last then lets start building back up.

Also About me cheating i have cheated and i will be taking a step lower in the leadership roll and will have Kanman do as much as he can/wants but he doesn't like to deal to often in FA but i still run everything by him as to what is to be done and not and to make sure he is good with it.

This post here was done by me cause i felt i had to say something as a good friend of mine Devil left and it made me ponder that nothing new is happening in this game.

Also its not the matter of fact of being everyone one side its a matter of ending these long multiple sets of war and driving players away so we can bring in some players once we get good count of members nations stabilized then we can begin to have a platform on which wars can happen and they can end with no grudge and member count not affected.

As it is now wars just become world wars as we are so tight like prez said and that just hurts the game as we are at each others throats rather than concentrating on growing the community.

I want to see how it use to be. Average nation size was 30-35 and small nations were considered 15-20... large nations 50-60... We use to have all those elements which made this game diverse. Now its just 15-20 being considered Large and everything below that small their is no Middle class room and that brings the clustering of alliances to get "gang bangs" and we keep the cycle alive through warring because we got hit then you got hit and stuff like that, its become a routine and you know what we have been a huge reason for that. We started the cycle and it continues to go around in a circle of hatred, members of a nation that participated in that war hold grudges and the leaders have to react to it cause of the constraints on members we hold.

We need to come to the conclusion as a whole and im willing to pay for my mishaps as a leader, and my shadiness. But Mark my words nothing i have done was meant to hurt the community but it's in my eyes now that somethings we did actually did hurt or at least did not promote growth of the game.

AGAIN sorry for the long post i think i am becoming prez, just not as cool :P

Wow....... You and MR P. need to get together in a debate and try to see who will post the longest message.

09-04-2008, 23:27
F you guys and your long posts...i hope you stub your toe!

I am so split on this. Part of me wants one thing and the other part of me thinks it wont matter if I get what I want.

What I mean is this.

If anyone should be taking a break it is LOR as a nation. Have a glorious set this month and dont come back. That would accomplish something I think, but only if ALI and Kanman took a break as well.

Human nature and game tradition sais that ALI and Kanman will always be a cheater and no matter how good you do for the game one little slip up and your back to being a cheater and the marder for ruining the game. Forgive me, but I dont see the willingness of the members to just forget about all the crap. The reason i say this is because every post that involves LOR always include the words cheater and ruin etc...

The problem is that if LOR disbanded there would soon be another nation that people would look at as the blame of everything. Who would it be?

for right now I dont think any nation should have more than a dozen or so members and we should spread out the players across twenty or so nations. One it would even the playing field a bit, and the other is that it would make the game seem like there were more options when joining as a new player. Im not suggesting a mandatory nation cap, I am suggesting that we simply spread out a bit.

So many have been playing together for so long that we are too comfortable with who we are with. Friendships and alliances private and public would still exist, but for some resason with out proof i think a new player would be more opt to play and stay and not just be another number in a big nation. I think they would get a more personalized experience from the nation leaders. More hands on trainng, and a chance to get addicted to the game like we are.

I dont hate LOR, and I am not suggesting that anyone quit. Why cant LOR stay with like a dozen members and ALI or Kanman split off and make a completely new nation (not LOR2). Just split the members. As for that matter USA too.

Admit that there is some fun by having a more personalized experience with a couple of guys versus a huge nation full of spam PMs. When your huge sure warring is more fun, but if everyone was smaller it would still be the same fun.

I understand that LOR members are very comfortable being one of the huge dominating nations in the game who are well protected simply because not very many other nations can compete with them. Hence suiciding or that type of mentality.

I am just saying that for alot of members I bet its too late for appologies even if this post gets 10-20 appology accepted posts.... rememebering that only about 25% of the members even post and maybe 50percent even come to the forums.

ALI if you really want to make a sacrafice as you say you do, then reduce the size of your nation and let someone else be in the spot light for once. Im not knocking LOR for doing good, because IMO LOR is one of the most successful nations EVER. Unfortunatly the reputation will never ever ever ever die IMO.

perfect example and forget the ying yang crap. USA and LOR two of the most successful nations in the game to date. Look at the drastic differences in views from the community. I think they are too drastic for LOR to make a come back as far as reputation.

Personally I would rather see 20 ten man nations than 3 twenty man nations and 10 four and five man nations. honestly were is the fun in that. So basically if you want to win than you join the nation with the most members.

I am not saying that it wont eventually happen again like that, but with more members it would be alot different.

At this point I am rambling and cannot complete my thoughts, but I hope you understand what I am saying.

I dont hate you or LOR, I just think that LOR has overstayed their welcome, and a true sign of dedication to the game would be to break from your norm and start something fresh under a differnt tag.

09-05-2008, 01:11
so is there goin 2 be an all out war and start fresh with no b.s grudges next set or wut??? if so ill start playing again

09-05-2008, 03:15
give me one good reason why i should believe you, you just ****ing suicided my state.... and now your coming with this crap.

Yeah right, my personal opinion is that cheaters should be banned for life.

09-05-2008, 06:39
Teh best way for a player with your reputation to help out, would be to cut ties and move away from the nation that helped give you that reputation. that would be a sacrafice and commitment.

09-05-2008, 07:11
Hmmm, I have read this thread 4 times trying to figure my take on it. Is he telling the truth or is it another stunt, I ask myself. As has been stated, there will have to be some time for the community to come to take any of this to heart, I know that I don't hate LoR, but do I trust them? Not really. I think that I am willing to give a chance to prove me worng and I hope that you do. It won't come quickly, but I am not one that really holds a grudge for too long. Even me and Guy agreed on something the other day. I know that killed his soul.

How to go about changing the perception of Lor in the game is going to be even more difficult. The mentality of most players in LoR has been to overpower other nations **** what anyone thinks of them, so that is going to take sdome time to fix.

As someone that has been in this community for 6 years, I think it is worth a try to see how serious you are in this, but as was also stated, words are sort of worthless, we will watch the actions and then judge accordingly.

I hope this comes to pass

09-05-2008, 08:59
wow i cant believe u guys are buying this crap

09-05-2008, 09:00
people argue, people get heated. not long ago Dogma and I had an "interesting" convo in here, a week later we are bs ing on MSN. On topic..

I have been doing FA for a short time now, and frankly I trust nearly no one and what they say because it seems as if no one wants to keep their word. I understand that if we are gonna attack someone and they say "hey you guys gonna hit us?" of course I would deny it. :) but broken promises and dumped on NAPs is BS. I dont think we could handle a "soft, cuddly LOR" be who u are, be some bastards, but be honest about it and quit bull ****ting the rest of NW.

09-05-2008, 09:41
seems to me everybody is mostly willing 2 give ali a shot except WLF lol

Divine Intervention
09-05-2008, 10:25
typical "okay,okay i know i ****ed you over many more times as much as you have me but lets call it even because im now afraid that i have made you so angry that you will **** me over so hard that now its me whos getting scared...." card.


09-05-2008, 10:26
sumbody is suppose be scared of u anton??? lol thats funny

Divine Intervention
09-05-2008, 10:31
you have a point. low lifes like you are hard to hurt/be scared because you already have nothing to lose...but well find a way :)
btw dont be afraid, im not going to waste time on you :).

09-05-2008, 10:33
u can find a way all u want cuz its a game and it wont hurt me...im barely active as is anymore...now if u come to me in RL then we might have problems hahaha

Divine Intervention
09-05-2008, 10:34
its not you im going to hurt. im going to hurt your closest friends instead :)

09-05-2008, 10:36
i dont have any close friends in this game only in RL...and u cant do **** to them lol

Divine Intervention
09-05-2008, 10:38
well oh well. ill hurt Alis friends instead then :) unless...we call it even now :crying:
loner *****.

09-05-2008, 10:39
haha have fun ill help u if u want lol j.k

09-05-2008, 10:53
i'm proud of you Ali, this was the right way to go glad you were "man enough" to listen to me :P

ooga booga
09-05-2008, 11:18
I have mixed feelings about this. 3 months ago LoR was screwing everyone over having their "fun" at warring. The players that got played by LoR brought the warring back the next couple of sets and now it seems LoR wants to net in peace or something. lol. But, Ali tried to make it seem pretty sincere, I mean that post was incredibly long and if he is going to go through that much trouble I find it hard not to give him and LoR another chance (for the millionth time? :P) As said, actions speak louder than words, so if Ali keeps to his word with his actions then he'll earn back respect, from me at least.

ooga booga
09-05-2008, 11:23
Thanks for the clarification. But know this, i have distance with 99% of NW. I talk to about as many people as i have fingers on one hand on a weekly basis. You tend to think our distance is due to things that have happened, when the truth is if the wrongings never happened, the situation would be the same as it is right now.

I have no grudge with LoR. The past wrong was followed by a very entertaining retal set for me. So i considered it even at that point. I have no problems with 95% of the players in LoR. They are loyal, dedicated people and i have a high admiration of them. Unfortunately a few have made a bad impression. And i will extend the same courtesy i would give anyone else in rebuilding trust. But don't expect love notes or common conversations from me as a validation. After all people who have done absolutely nothing wrong to me get the same treatment. :)

You mean to tell me that love note wasn't really from you? :o I'm heartbroken Itty. :crying:

09-05-2008, 11:27
2 me lor screwed pepl and then lor got hit back for it...just because everybody has grudges against how kanny and ali ran it shouldnt mean u give devil a hard time for it...he tried fixing as much as possible but pepl kept running their mouth like hes not gonna defend his nation...as much as ali is an idiot and lies a lot i think that was a real statement from him

Max Logan
09-05-2008, 13:41
7 years playing - I don`t buy this bull****!

Just last set you were AGAIN declared cheater. Now you suicide on DBoz. Devil leaves and now you want to wash yourself clean. Stuff it!

Running scared is not an option

09-05-2008, 13:47
He posted this a lil bit after i told him how screwed he was... i dont buy it... Ali is just trying to save his ***

09-05-2008, 14:09
no one thinks the reduction of LOR, or the end of LOR is a good idea? no one thinks that smaller nations for the time being would be a better idea?

09-05-2008, 14:13
y should they reduce their nation...WLF has more members then LoR guess they should resize as well

09-05-2008, 14:17
y should they reduce their nation...WLF has more members then LoR guess they should resize as well

WLF, LOR and USA should reduce and players should venture out and make new nations. This would be good for so many reasons.

all next set abviously.

especially ALI leaving LOR.

09-05-2008, 14:18
y should they reduce their nation...WLF has more members then LoR guess they should resize as well

i believe wlf tried to grow as big as they could so lor wouldnt be the only powerhouse left

and maggio, i like wlf and lor resizing, but USA resizing wouldnt mean anything sicne they dont really do anything...ever...

09-05-2008, 14:18
just gonna make multiple smaller nations warring the same people cuz grudges will carry over anyway lol

09-05-2008, 14:19
just gonna make multiple smaller nations warring the same people cuz grudges will carry over anyway lol

what you have even more time to make more multies big boy?

09-05-2008, 14:19
just gonna make multiple smaller nations warring the same people cuz grudges will carry over anyway lol

that will happen a few times, but its not the only reason to spread out.

09-05-2008, 14:21
it aint gonna help lol and o yea u got me morph tons of multies gonna enter this game soon hahaha

Max Logan
09-05-2008, 14:24
it aint gonna help lol and o yea u got me morph tons of multies gonna enter this game soon hahaha

wow, some news. I`m gonna cry

09-05-2008, 14:24
it aint gonna help lol and o yea u got me morph tons of multies gonna enter this game soon hahaha

and this is news big boy because?

09-05-2008, 14:26
and this is news big boy because?

Are you only calling him big boy cause he raped your state and you took it all?

09-05-2008, 14:27
WLF, LOR and USA should reduce and players should venture out and make new nation

09-05-2008, 14:30
Are you only calling him big boy cause he raped your state and you took it all?

shut it lap dog

09-05-2008, 14:32

GRIM isn't made up for players who identify themselves 100% with one of those nations.

09-05-2008, 14:34
shut it lap dog

lol--was just curious Morph, as you keep calling him that so affectionately. Just figured you had enjoyed getting hit, that's all. It's ok--some people like that and we'll accept you for who you are.

09-05-2008, 14:35
GRIM isn't made up for players who identify themselves 100% with one of those nations.
But they are new nations that aren't part of the big 3 aren't they?

09-05-2008, 14:36
lol--was just curious Morph, as you keep calling him that so affectionately. Just figured you had enjoyed getting hit, that's all. It's ok--some people like that and we'll accept you for who you are.

getting hit by what? his multies?

09-05-2008, 14:37
But you were quoting Maggio, who said players from those 3 should make their own nation.. :p

Max Logan
09-05-2008, 14:37
But they are new nations that aren't part of the big 3 aren't they?

I identify myself by the people I like to play with!

Scott, Fox, Will, Totte, Bled, Warlord, Fangz, Morph, Xav, Dogma, tnova, Mr P.

Mr President
09-05-2008, 14:37
but USA resizing wouldnt mean anything sicne they dont really do anything...ever...

Still making your stupid jabs i see..

Well it's Kind of hard to do anything when your ally chickens out and agrees to a humiliating public surrender to one of the weakest nations in the game. We were on our way to help with AF.. I'm sorry you were to busy to lead your nation and you chose the easy way out. But i'm sure that's ok cause it was something you did and your perfect!

09-05-2008, 14:39
I identify myself by the people I like to play with!

Scott, Fox, Will, Totte, Bled, Warlord, Fangz, Morph, Xav, Dogma, tnova, Mr P.



Max Logan
09-05-2008, 14:40


Shhh! I`m being friendly ;)

09-05-2008, 14:40
I know this is our first set together max but i feel a bond between us that i hope can blossom into something beautiful. :P

09-05-2008, 14:41
But you were quoting Maggio, who said players from those 3 should make their own nation.. :p
Meh, technicalities.

Max Logan
09-05-2008, 14:43
I know this is our first set together max but i feel a bond between us that i hope can blossom into something beautiful. :P

Unlikely! :p

But looking at Xav now...

09-05-2008, 16:40
you guys cant stop whimpering and complaining for one freaking second to really focus on a thread.

There are two really important topics right now and suddenly they get filled with bitter insults and plauged with the awlful taste of immaturity.

Its really a shame and you know who you are.

Once again, you dont have to play. we can live with out you.

I am just getting sick of it.

09-05-2008, 20:59
Some of us here are trying to discuss a very important subject of the game, and I for one I think have a few good points on trying to suggest that we all mix things up a bit.

Alot of WOW nations came over to Nation-Wars. Well lets face it WOW was in the crapper so much that the owner of the game quit, and gave the code away for free.

Maybe if we mixed things up a bit, split up a bit it may be a good idea.

I think smaller nations for right now is a good idea. I am not suggesting nation caps at all, I am suggesting that the leaders of this game take it upon themselves to try and do something good for the community.

I am asking that we do something now so that tommorow we will have a better game. Sure some people have to make sacrafises for a few months, but in the end if we get more members in the game it will make the game better.

I think more members will have more fun with smaller nations all around.

09-06-2008, 02:43
He posted this a lil bit after i told him how screwed he was... i dont buy it... Ali is just trying to save his ***

To your post i in the convo with you stated an apology. But like i said i know people won't believe it but its fine to think that.

Also to war this set i stated with prez's post that if this set is to let out steam . i am ok with that option. So hoe go have us be screwed if you want i offered my state. and an apology but you said you didn't care about it at all. Which i highly doubt and i bet WLF wars LoR soon.

But that is a presumption i hold as of now.

09-06-2008, 03:52
**** that.... just coz u have remorse now we shouldnt war u..... **** a set to let off steam... we were friends in game even tho u and i didnt like each other u knew WLF had ur back.... u ****ed that up... so now dont expect peace coz u feel bad for wat u did.. and i feel sorry for anyone that buys this crap..... u would be stupid as ****...and deserve no better then wat LOR deserves for ur own stupidity

09-06-2008, 13:22
i believe if ure head was out of ure *** he just stated that if u wanna kill LoR or w.e he doesnt care lol