View Full Version : Help with a school project..

09-16-2008, 13:42
I need a few more opinions for my Sociology school paper...

SOCIETY: Do you think our society is getting better or worse and why do you feel that way?

Thanks in advance if you have a minute to jot a little something down for me!

Bram Gotink
09-16-2008, 14:12
SOCIETY: Do you think our society is getting better or worse and why do you feel that way?

Society is definetly getting worse. Not only the recent economical crisis, (the war on) terror etc. but each day I get annoyed more and more by the consumption-society.
We consume and consume, far too much that is, without thinking about the consequences. Millions of people are hungry every day, but we destroy our food b/c it is "over date" or we just have too much and the price of the food would be too low (offer > demand)... The waste, another horror. WALL-E, that's our future !

09-16-2008, 18:35
I need a few more opinions for my Sociology school paper...

SOCIETY: Do you think our society is getting better or worse and why do you feel that way?

Thanks in advance if you have a minute to jot a little something down for me!

You remember all those times you hated on me..

"No soup for you!"

09-16-2008, 18:58
It's the same. We just think it's better/worse.

09-16-2008, 19:05
In the future, things will be different. Different is often perceived as worse, but it is a matter of perception. We have to deal with things that weren't a concern 2 generations ago, and they dealt with stuff that we will never deal with.

Overall, i think things have gotten better over time, and will continue to get better in the future.

09-16-2008, 19:28
Better or worse since when?

Since the middle ages, we probably have less violence and killing on the streets.

Since the 1970's we probably have more.

Certainly there were fewer DWI's before there were automobiles.

I would also have to say that gun violence has increased since guns were invented.

Generally, with the use of computers in classrooms, I would say education is better and worse at the same time. Computers can solve problems faster, but people rely on them way too much, and don't know how to do the basics, like spell.

Movies and Television have gotten more violent, and more graphic, and parents tend to let their children watch these things more now, than 20 years ago. However, before televisions, this probably wasn't the case.

Porn (I almost typed Pron) is alot easier to come by now than it was before the internet. This is good or bad, depending on how you look at it, and how old you are.

I guess the real question is since when? And what aspects of society? Transportation, education, engineering, exploration, science, medicine, these have all made tremendous strides and have bettered our society. Violence is bad, but not as bad as in the Middle Ages. Cars have also caused more pollution and allowed intoxicated people to pretty much get behind a loaded weapon on our streets. Am I better than I was 20 years ago? I don't think so. I know more, but I spell worse. I forget things, and I waste more time doing trivial things when I should be focused on productivity or learning. None of this helps at all, I know. Just my thoughts on the matter since everyone always thinks I have nothing serious to say. Balls.

09-16-2008, 21:09
I need a few more opinions for my Sociology school paper...

SOCIETY: Do you think our society is getting better or worse and why do you feel that way?

Thanks in advance if you have a minute to jot a little something down for me!
since better means pretty much progressing.. its gettign better by default as long as its changing and not going backwards.

and people saying things are gettign worse... think of the phrase "good old times". peopel have been sayign that for milenia and always will... so by that definition the stone ages were good? i think not.

09-16-2008, 23:12
Thank you all for your help.. we really do have a great group of players here!