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View Full Version : Slowness with the server

Mr President
09-30-2008, 20:56
I know many of you have been noticing how slow the server has been lately. It seems like the past month or so, it has been really slow at times. Before it was just at night, but lately it has been through the day too..

Today was just pitiful. I got so mad i just logged off and i will in the middle of make a new page for the portal server.. I just couldn't take it anymore lol..

Turns out, someone was abusing the server.. Not ours, but one of the others we share it with. Seems to be a little better now, so lets hope it stays this way.

The ultimate plan is to be on a dedicated server. But sadly, we just don't make enough money at the moment. Premiums may go up a little within the next few months, but nothing major, and not enough to cover a dedicated server.

So what i am hoping is, once we start "operation more members" (lol just named it) we will gain enough new members to go to a dedicated server.

I know the slowness frustrates some of you, but please be patient with it. I think the amount of time we have been on this server we have had pretty decent service.. Only seems lately things are getting rough. So i'm hoping the server co takes care of this soon.. Unfortunately, people find abusing servers funny.. When in fact it ruins everything for anyone else sharing the server.

This is just an update on why things have been slow. Hoping it clears up so we can buy a little more time till we can afford to go on a dedicated..

Crimson Shadow
09-30-2008, 21:29
I was actually going to ask why it was so slow lately, so thanks prez for clearing that up :)

10-01-2008, 00:21
what is the cost for upgrading to a dedicated server? I bet we can do a fund raiser to gain those funds. I will be the first to donate. just let us know.

10-01-2008, 07:02
Yeah just tell us what i costs :). We should be able to support it with some extra cash.

10-01-2008, 07:53
100-450 per mo usually... which is alot...min $1200 per year

10-01-2008, 09:03
The hosting company i use because they have really good tech support has high volume servers from $79+

Their dedicated starts at 249-1599/mo.

Mr President
10-01-2008, 13:21
lol we would have to have a fund raiser every month.. Which we can't keep asking the members to contribute so much each set. In order for us to afford a dedicated server, we need a lot more members..

We have been really lucky with our server.. Not until the past couple of months have we had any issues. If people would stop trying to crash them all the time, we would have no problems.... But some people find things like that a fun thing to do.. :thumbdown:

if it continues, we may asked to be put on a different shared server..

10-01-2008, 17:17
today we are doing well, (don't' say it too loud) but if this continues we should relocate to another server.

Good thing is..this server is extremely stable, but as said, sometimes it is overloaded with request of people trying to bring it down.. The server is however that good, that it almost never will break. Thing is, it is slowing down however, until we find the prosecutor and make a port block, IP block or even when required a country block (last resort)

This takes time, and therefore you might face a slower forum when you are used to from time to time!

a simple dedicated machine start at $100,- monthly With the community paying for it we have to be sure that we can pay it every month. Otherwise the nation-wars.com might be gone at the last days of every month for example, which is even worse then a bit slowly from time to time.

There are some more options we can do, but we need then a solid playerbase of something about 400 people on line daily (now it is around 156)

so the fastest way to a (semi) dedicated server is too attract new members to the game! :cool: :dblthumbup:

10-02-2008, 10:16
out of curiosity how much bandwith are we using average on a monthly basis.

10-02-2008, 10:32
out of curiosity how much bandwith are we using average on a monthly basis.

I'm not sure if Mr. P wants to share this info, but we know what it is.. :scared:
I'm sure Mr. P will post it here if he wants to.!!

10-03-2008, 11:44
Server is crawling right now....... taking me forever.