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10-03-2008, 11:26
What is this about?
Looks like a suicide to me?

10-03-2008, 11:54
Standard 2 man nation suicide squad.

Of which the odds are unlikely that they will "claim" thier noble and worthy victory as sulking and hiding are much more favorable to suiciders.

One of the clowns, even tried to "inflitrate" the nation at the beginning of the set. By sending me this message.
Subject: hey Received: 21:54:56 - Wednesday 1st of October 2008 From: buddy(#iii) Message:what strat you guys doing? tax?


who is

I kindly replied with,

We are playing casher, the tax is currently at 24%.

Send me a private message on teh forums so I know who you are and then we'll see about that password.


At any rate, whatever. Well done, you can suicide a state that is 50 turns out of protection because it still only takes 2 retards to declare war.

Reason for declaration: ---------
figure out the riddle we cometh we taketh sent by MR solve the riddle and save your nation!

So what I have to declare on Marine Recons nation and this suicide nation............

whatever, you win. Your a better suicider than me. Have fun with the game.....

10-03-2008, 11:59
Someone send me an email or message on msn, when it takes more than 1 or 2 retards to declare jihad.

10-03-2008, 12:19
I say we at least go back to having 4 members to be able to make war. At least it will stop the 2 man suicide squads. Not so sure maybe rolling back suicided states isn't a bad idea either.

10-03-2008, 12:26
i have no connections with that nation at all...i made a NAP to make sure we didnt have to war and everything would be fine...i would like to know who did it myself

Max Logan
10-03-2008, 12:38
when you wake up dead tommorow, remind them of the NAP

Divine Intervention
10-03-2008, 12:49
I say we at least go back to having 4 members to be able to make war. At least it will stop the 2 man suicide squads. Not so sure maybe rolling back suicided states isn't a bad idea either.

further more maybe have some kind of rule regarding to how long the accounts
have been "playing" the game. Because tbh even if the decl is raised to 4 ppl
who want to suicide can simply go to a internet cafe and make 2 new accounts
then go back home and get an "active" friend and do the suicide.

perhaps 4 states all of which have been registered 3-4 sets? sure some will
say that "omg yeah but teh small nations and teh n00bies got to learn to war 2!!!"...

well my take on that is that if you can only muster 2 ppl for a war, you shouldn't
be warring...join another nation to fulfill your agenda. if there isn't one...bide
your time. further more, yes, there might infact be genuinely 4 n00bs who
want to war (perhaps being trained by an outside source)..but tbh unless
they are declaring on other n00bs (n00b vs n00b, someone is bound to get
disenchanted and quit) they will get killed by the stronger nation...hence..
suicide....if they are genuinly n00bs who want to war they should join a
nation run by experienced players who do want to war. this way it will be
actual proper wars and the n00bs get taught in the process.

sorry if this is a bit confusing, i gotta work on getting to the point quicker
but i hope you guys see what im going at :D.

10-03-2008, 13:06
GA Morph(#***)[GRIM] betty(#237)[GR] 135 Civilians, 330 Food 16:59:03-2008/10/03

thats one...

10-03-2008, 13:12
further more maybe have some kind of rule regarding to how long the accounts
have been "playing" the game. Because tbh even if the decl is raised to 4 ppl
who want to suicide can simply go to a internet cafe and make 2 new accounts
then go back home and get an "active" friend and do the suicide.

perhaps 4 states all of which have been registered 3-4 sets? sure some will
say that "omg yeah but teh small nations and teh n00bies got to learn to war 2!!!"...

well my take on that is that if you can only muster 2 ppl for a war, you shouldn't
be warring...join another nation to fulfill your agenda. if there isn't one...bide
your time. further more, yes, there might infact be genuinely 4 n00bs who
want to war (perhaps being trained by an outside source)..but tbh unless
they are declaring on other n00bs (n00b vs n00b, someone is bound to get
disenchanted and quit) they will get killed by the stronger nation...hence..
suicide....if they are genuinly n00bs who want to war they should join a
nation run by experienced players who do want to war. this way it will be
actual proper wars and the n00bs get taught in the process.

sorry if this is a bit confusing, i gotta work on getting to the point quicker
but i hope you guys see what im going at :D.

Kinda reminds me of a Mr P post

Mr President
10-03-2008, 13:23
I say we at least go back to having 4 members to be able to make war. At least it will stop the 2 man suicide squads. Not so sure maybe rolling back suicided states isn't a bad idea either.

I planned on putting it back to 4 members at the start of this set, but i must not have written it down and i forgot :thumbdown: At the start of next set, it will be back to 4 members to make a nation function properly.

further more maybe have some kind of rule regarding to how long the accounts
have been "playing" the game. Because tbh even if the decl is raised to 4 ppl
who want to suicide can simply go to a internet cafe and make 2 new accounts
then go back home and get an "active" friend and do the suicide.

perhaps 4 states all of which have been registered 3-4 sets? sure some will
say that "omg yeah but teh small nations and teh n00bies got to learn to war 2!!!"...

well my take on that is that if you can only muster 2 ppl for a war, you shouldn't
be warring...join another nation to fulfill your agenda. if there isn't one...bide
your time. further more, yes, there might infact be genuinely 4 n00bs who
want to war (perhaps being trained by an outside source)..but tbh unless
they are declaring on other n00bs (n00b vs n00b, someone is bound to get
disenchanted and quit) they will get killed by the stronger nation...hence..
suicide....if they are genuinly n00bs who want to war they should join a
nation run by experienced players who do want to war. this way it will be
actual proper wars and the n00bs get taught in the process.

sorry if this is a bit confusing, i gotta work on getting to the point quicker
but i hope you guys see what im going at :D.

this needs to be talked about more.. You may have a start of a good idea here. I have just finished a new feature on the game regarding join dates and part of my overall plan with that will include something like this.. Please bring this up in the suggestion area so we can pick it apart and build it up.

10-03-2008, 14:04
Well I see we have more wise guys declaring suicide (War) on us this set.
The reason they gave is about as cryptic as one could be giving a reason for war.
Not even 3 days into the set and we got Idiots killing people for no reason whatsoever except their own whimsical needs of self fullfillment.
You guys must be able to get your rocks off pretty easy if not even 3 days in suiciding someone does it for you.

I guess it's to much to ask for either of the 2 idiots to actually man up and confess on the forums it was them.
They got the balls to War (suicide) if thats what you call it but not the balls to take credit for it.

10-03-2008, 14:10
i still wish i knew who is throwing around my name like that kinda funny to me but sucks for GRIM

Max Logan
10-03-2008, 15:48
i still wish i knew who is throwing around my name like that kinda funny to me but sucks for GRIM

sucks for you aswell. if GRIM is man enough, your nation will be wiped clean

ooga booga
10-03-2008, 17:07
i still wish i knew who is throwing around my name like that kinda funny to me but sucks for GRIM

If you had nothing to do with it, why is it funny? If someone threw my name around like that and I was not behind it/didn't have anything to do with it, I would be furious. But you on the other hand think it's funny. It's a tough call if you are really "innocent" in all of this or not.... :sneaky:

10-03-2008, 17:43
i am only going to make one post on here, and i can only vouch for myself and from what i know that UBH had no connection to this. now moving on, i will also say, that if any nation decides to war us because of this, i will personally spend the next 6 months waring who ever decides to be that big of a dumb ***.

10-03-2008, 17:49
its solved between GRIM and UBH...no need to discuss my nation in this...and its funny to me because their not man enough to claim their own actions just toss mine around...why should i get all pissed off at a game...i know i didnt have anything to do with it and thats all that matters...if people wanna assume i did then so be it more power to you i would just like to see you prove to me i did because i dont see that happening

10-03-2008, 18:35
Its has nothing to do with being a MAN we have no proof as to Marine having anything to do with it and I am not accusing him of having anything to do with it.
The 2 idiots that suicided on us might just be 2 random idiots and figured they would throw marines name into the mix hoping to start something between our 2 nations.
We have 3 new people in our nation and 1 of the vets was suicided on so it even took awhile to form the retal on the second guy.
I am happy to announce tho that 1 of the 3 new guys got his first kill congrats to Blitzkrieg.

10-03-2008, 19:36
yea sucks about what happened, but dont worry Rassputin is a great player and he will bounce back and end with a strong finish

10-03-2008, 20:11
Why am I never around for these things...

I had 270 turns to burn too :(

10-03-2008, 20:39
They like you Xav for some odd reason they dont like Rass and myself.
We have targets on our back for no other reason that to fullfill someones whimsical need of suiciding on someone.

10-03-2008, 21:21
I'm going to suicide someone in my Dogma costume one of these days to start up a riot.

Or something.

Divine Intervention
10-03-2008, 21:29
shame that Dogma has the same state # each set (unless hes hiding) so theyd be able to tell :p

10-03-2008, 22:20
shame that Dogma has the same state # each set (unless hes hiding) so theyd be able to tell :p

Ha! I so have you fooled already!

(he dies often I hear, therefore restarts are anybodies guess!)

10-04-2008, 02:28
ummm im assuming that LOR will be next to be suicided as nothing is being done against suiciding.

Honestly nothing has been done. and tbh i don't think anything will be done against it.

So i dont' know why we even talk about it anymore. Our voices are supposedly heard, but then nothing happens.

LoR got suicided last set, we mandated they step up, nothing happend, misconception happend and where i even went to level of suiciding.


sorry for posting this but if any of you think a system is in action preventing suiciding plz tell me.

Nothing has happened thus far, Nothing will happen in the future.

LoR will also get suicided and so the cycle remains. Community loses players, as we can't prosecute suiciders. Case closed.

Divine Intervention
10-04-2008, 06:08
tbh, ive been thinking about it and imo the only solution i can see is perhaps going into some Big Brother system in that we let the admins decide whats suicide and whats not
and have a system of Rollbacks, backups, revealing identiites of the players who have
done the suiciding and banning their accounts. How do we do this? have a committe or
group of ppl (Mr P for one?) who we trust to decide. People might object to this but honestly, if we can trust them with the admin powers of the game we might as well do this.

besides, its not that hard to determine whats a suicide. atm if FA declared on someone like
WAL/LoR/EE/WLF - clearly a suicide. Rollback, ban the states doing suicide and reveal
their identities. If however someone like e.g. SLOB/GRIM/TNR declared then thats another
case. I think we should have a think about perhaphs some system similar to GDN where
your nation has to be a certain size of another to be able to declare on another...if
for example its not (maybe we have an alliance of small nations wanting to take down
one big one) then perhaps some sort of system where they ask permission from e.g.
Mr P to be able to declare. i know this sounds extremly big brothery and all controlled
and requires us to put trust into the honesty of whoever we chose to officiate this but
imo its the only solution i can see.

10-04-2008, 06:29
the suicides itself arent the problem...the problem they dont say who they are. Theyre big enough to suicide ingame but to afraid to say it in the forums?

Divine Intervention
10-04-2008, 07:10
the suicides itself arent the problem...the problem they dont say who they are. Theyre big enough to suicide ingame but to afraid to say it in the forums?

the only thing that comes out of finding out who suicides is to hurt his friends.
because a person can admit his a suicider but what good is it if we can't actually
stop him doing it set in set out? especially if hes some sort of pariah with no

10-04-2008, 07:18
the only thing that comes out of finding out who suicides is to hurt his friends.
because a person can admit his a suicider but what good is it if we can't actually
stop him doing it set in set out? especially if hes some sort of pariah with no

besides finding him in RL and kill him and the rest of his family?

10-04-2008, 15:10
We should link forum accounts to ingame accounts. When you click on the ingame statename, you should be directed to their forum name. But I know that would cause more problems with targeting peaceful hiding states.

I am tired of this same BS set after set.

Divine Intervention
10-04-2008, 15:13
We should link forum accounts to ingame accounts. When you click on the ingame statename, you should be directed to their forum name. But I know that would cause more problems with targeting peaceful hiding states.

I am tired of this same BS set after set.

the problem with this is that it would reveal the identities of peaceful players who want to hide. Perhaps have some kind of coding which reveals a players
identity once he commits war attacks?

10-04-2008, 15:58
As a "bandage" on a wound. All states who burned turns to kill the suiciders, they should get those turns back with keeping the generated production.

10-05-2008, 00:00
As a "bandage" on a wound. All states who burned turns to kill the suiciders, they should get those turns back with keeping the generated production.

ummm lol that doesn't make sense.

you kill a suicider keep your production and get turns back?

that means you get a boast over the community which really hasn't done any foul? lol?