View Full Version : New life form found in California

12-03-2010, 18:52
I know that you have all heard of the new life form that NASA found in the lake in CA. Have you given any thoughts to the implications that could come from this? Discuss.

12-03-2010, 19:03
When I first heard this, I thought they meant they found an alien bacteria on like Mars, because all the title read was, Alien Bacteria Found.

I had a big facepalm moment when I finally read the article.

Anyway, it is interesting about the chemical properties and I'm sure it'll revitalize the cell biology field which has recently been dominated by medical genetics.

12-03-2010, 19:06

Interesting Dogma, I hadn't head anything about that.
But i think its just mankinds lack of knowlege.

What is interesting is how it has apperently evolved to deal with, what we consider a hostile enviroment, this time extreme salt and alkaline and basicaly recycling arsenic.
As a microbe is considered a life form , this does change what "we" consider necessary for life forms to survive..and yes, that would mean in outer space also.

Might this microbe had been a hitchhiker on a meteroite that survived enterring our atmosphere and landed in the lake and continued to multiple?
Ponder that a bit, because if thats possible, Then that opens up a whole new way of thinking.

"We" don't know as much as we think we do , even about the planet we live on.
For example, every few years we "discover" a fish or crustacean that is surviving at incredible depths or complete darkness of the ocean botton.
we have man made monuments and structures(pryramids, stonehedge etc) that we have little working knowledge of and can't figure them out.
Makes you think..as a civilation, we really really need to keep writing sh@t down!

Soviet Russia
12-04-2010, 04:03
We have a similar one it Latvia, never sleeps:laugh:

12-08-2010, 01:04
Makes you think..as a civilation, we really really need to keep writing sh@t down!

Yea but then some *******s come by and Destroy it.... just like the Alexandria library..... Imagine how much knowledge we lost

Max Logan
12-08-2010, 05:12
It`s the same as we assume all life forms should be carbon based (H,C,O,N). I remember that a while ago, ok, it`s been 10 years or so, one the satellites sent out to investigate Jupiter discovered liquid ice on one of it`s moon, Titan or Europe, I don`t really remember. And it was not the ice we know, it was just liquid carbon, and after some testing they discovered possible microorganisms inside it, due to volcanic activity deep under.

Currently life is based upon very rare factors - water, atmosphere, microorganisms. But is the space really that monotone? As Blade said, the found organisms could easily come here by meteors or asteroids, and even before men walked the earth, so it`s no telling what they`ve become on their homeworld.

As said in the article, we`ve become to Terra centric over the years, only paying attention to environment suitable for our life. But it the life outside would be based, let`s say, on sulphur, via oxygen 'burning' to produce energy instead of mitochondria.