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10-27-2011, 14:24
well, i think this fella says it better than i ever could!


10-27-2011, 18:12
beväpna er :P

zarrock blackheart
10-29-2011, 04:33
considering the police in most citys have started to shoot the protesters with rubber bullets and throw canisters of teargass into crowds of protesters.. that are protesting our country being governed and controlled by a bunch of fat greasy rich slobs. who use prison inmates for slave labor and pay the government officeals to support thier campaighn just to get laws and bills past that benifit the rich and the fat while money thats needed by the lowerclass and midclass and getting it all to thos rich fat people... the protesters should be considerd just.. yet thier "literly" being shot down by the government,

and dont even get me started on the government programs desighned to help people. i have a freind whos been homeless living out of a van for months.. becuase the government housing in her area "literly" make a game out of it, they take all the names of the people who have so little money that they qualifigh for it. and put it in a hat
everyfriday... the one drawn gets the help they need. between finding out about this and people being shot for protesting **** like this..... my fiath in the good old us of a has plumited,

10-30-2011, 18:08
Protesting has a rich history in the US.
Womans rights, Equal Rights, Against the War..etc etc.,each with a specific goal

However this Occupy Wallstreet and the like makes little sense to me.
To protest without an agenda is pointless.
The 99%? Thats grand..but SAY WHAT YOU WANT!
The banks to close? open the vaults? lower taxes? legalized pot? cheaper gas?
Give people something they can rally around and thats not accomplished with a shotgun approach.

So now we have peple camping in the parks, comparing it to Valley Forge.
"We'll be here all winter"

10-30-2011, 18:10
and sorry Beeno, I didn't know that was your new country name.
Else I'd have stayed clear..but it was my largest grab to date.

11-01-2011, 00:12
hehe, well i actually haven't used a turn yet so :P

your right, there are a multitude of voices all with varying views. but there is one overwhelming message i'm getting. take the big money out of our election process. it produces a corrupt system where politicians sell themselves to the highest bidder. now i'm not saying corporations are terrible, and that big business is terrible, we need them. i am saying that their influence on political elections needs to be put back in check. in our current system, these companies don't even need to be American owned. what business do they have funding candidates in our elections? our current president is aiming at raising over 1 billion dollars in his campaign for re-election. to me that's ridiculous. they are also the ones doing the majority of funding for political parties. you vote against the party, the party funds someone else to defeat you in your next election. no offense, but its this two party system where both sides can't come to agreements or meet in the middle that is so embarrassing. its dysfunctional. the message is clear, stop taking their money so your free to pass laws ensuring companies like exon who recorded over 35billion dollars in profit last year in the united states pays more than 0$ in taxes. so GE does the same. How did this happen? i'll tell you, they bought it. they don't have the good of America at heart, only profit.

now some of that is my voice, but if your asking yourself what the message is, its protests aimed at bringing power back to the people, let our voice be heard over the millions upon millions of dollars being heaved at political candidates to ensure our political system remains corrupt and bought.

now here is a little more just to spice things up.

-political parties- “serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force to put, in the place of the delegated will of the Nation, the will of a party; often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels, and modified by mutual interests. However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the Power of the People and to usurp for themselves the reins of Government; destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.” -George Washington

why oh why do we continue to cut funding to education? you can't even run a representative republic without an educated populace? what do i want to see? i wouldn't mind higher education completely payed for, instead students are asked to pay more and more each year. the unemployment rate in American for people with a 4 year degree is right around 4.1%. for people with no higher education it sits at around 18%. when you continue to cut funding to students what you see is less and less people able to afford college and less and less people able to be competitive with the global economy.

and all i hear from both sides is slash and cut everything. not going to work for me.

11-01-2011, 00:26
the person i really want to hear from on this, is Mr. President! tell us Mr. President how you feel about the occupy wall street movement :)

Misguided? Exciting? Moving? or are you not at liberty to discuss?

(our mr. president, not obama :P)

11-01-2011, 00:55
the funny part about this, most people aren't hearing this message. your normal news outlets aren't getting it, aren't saying it, and aren't showing it.

zarrock blackheart
11-01-2011, 04:02
presedent obama- to help enshure my vote in this reelection iv taken abillion dollers that was ment to help the homless. to put a 50 foot statue in every major city, so everytime you you to vote. you see me and how much greater i am the the other canidate...(23% of usa population is homeless due to government housing programs cutting funding,... my best friend is enrolled in one and they pull a name out of a hat every friday to play a game to see who gets helped... 1B dollers for my best freind to be homeless .. this is the american reality)

11-01-2011, 17:09

This is our demands, created from our Manifesto.

July 4th 2012 is the first international convention.

It begins in 2012

11-02-2011, 11:36
hehe, well i actually haven't used a turn yet so :P

your right, there are a multitude of voices all with varying views. but there is one overwhelming message i'm getting. take the big money out of our election process. it produces a corrupt system where politicians sell themselves to the highest bidder. now i'm not saying corporations are terrible, and that big business is terrible, we need them. i am saying that their influence on political elections needs to be put back in check. in our current system, these companies don't even need to be American owned. what business do they have funding candidates in our elections? our current president is aiming at raising over 1 billion dollars in his campaign for re-election. to me that's ridiculous. they are also the ones doing the majority of funding for political parties. you vote against the party, the party funds someone else to defeat you in your next election. no offense, but its this two party system where both sides can't come to agreements or meet in the middle that is so embarrassing. its dysfunctional. the message is clear, stop taking their money so your free to pass laws ensuring companies like exon who recorded over 35billion dollars in profit last year in the united states pays more than 0$ in taxes. so GE does the same. How did this happen? i'll tell you, they bought it. they don't have the good of America at heart, only profit.

now some of that is my voice, but if your asking yourself what the message is, its protests aimed at bringing power back to the people, let our voice be heard over the millions upon millions of dollars being heaved at political candidates to ensure our political system remains corrupt and bought.

now here is a little more just to spice things up.

-political parties- “serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force to put, in the place of the delegated will of the Nation, the will of a party; often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels, and modified by mutual interests. However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the Power of the People and to usurp for themselves the reins of Government; destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.” -George Washington

why oh why do we continue to cut funding to education? you can't even run a representative republic without an educated populace? what do i want to see? i wouldn't mind higher education completely payed for, instead students are asked to pay more and more each year. the unemployment rate in American for people with a 4 year degree is right around 4.1%. for people with no higher education it sits at around 18%. when you continue to cut funding to students what you see is less and less people able to afford college and less and less people able to be competitive with the global economy.

and all i hear from both sides is slash and cut everything. not going to work for me.

I have to agree with you on the bulk of your statement. when politicians are no longer up for sale to the highest bidder, we may get leaders who have the voice of the people in their mind and not their paid for cronies. If all political ads were free, with each politician getting equal time and make it illegal to get any money from anybody for their campaign we might actually get some leaders. free higher education would be nice too, however, all these things are mere pipe dreams and will come about as soon as ole St. Nick gets to building them in his workshop.

11-02-2011, 19:02
ranger, the large majority of americans feel the same way we do, and it all starts with me and you. one person at a time, one voice at a time. do not vote someone into any office, from local to state & federal, who does not make it a point to refuse these "donations". i'm tired of hearing this disgusting statement, "if you do not vote republican or democrat its a wasted vote." we need to break the reigns.

11-04-2011, 02:55
however, all these things are mere pipe dreams and will come about as soon as ole St. Nick gets to building them in his workshop.

There have been many things that people thought were "pipe dreams" that have come to be. Usually things that are blatantly wrong can be adjusted over time. It will take decades. This movement has just begun.

11-04-2011, 06:20
Did you bother to listen to that drivel?
It still doesn't answer my questions,
"What are you doing about it?"
"what are your plans?"
"What are the priorities and how will you reach those solutions?"

I feel I am a very obective person, however this is nothing that I haven't heard before.
First, of all the people to have read this, Obermann is one of the most polarizing people and normally I would not take the effort to hear his rants.

Its easy to gather and complain, thats what the maority of this was, complaining.
We all know what the problems are, we deal with it everyday.
But you can't just go around and shout, change, change change.
We all heard that from Obamas campaign.
Change what? more importantly HOW?
Applies to both.

peaceful demonstration? Blocking a port, thats peaceful?
Keeping working guys rom getting to their jobs?
thats very beneficial.
Our current government is one of the most corrupt I have ever seen, thats very sad, but realistic.
Change comes when people get into postions of power and stay true to their beliefs.
That doesn't happen here, as was shown perfectly by all the bickering around the health care package, taxes, etc.
Everyone it seems has their own agendas, and they forget why they were elected.
The solutions as Isee them are to
1- Get out of the **** park and get into the offices of the politicians.
They're the ones that are the key to this.
2-Don't like how the banks and trusts are getting supported? Pull out your **** money!
Get rid of the credit cards, pay cash!
3-Jobs? Thats part of #1, people need incentives to start new business, which create jobs.
there was a lot to be said for the "New Deal"(look it up.)

As a sidenote on jobs, Our company is always looking for people, but we are in what i call the "entitled generation" Young people come in looking for work, little or no experiene and they want $20 an hour.
Not gonna happen.
A chef I know has been looking for a line cook for 3 months, he's had 12 set appointments with no shows.
he called one and asked why and was told"oh I don't want a job, but i have to make appointments for my unemployment .
So wheres the fault? Is it because the unemployment program is not working? No incentive to actually work?
or is it because people feel entitled?
more questions, no answers here.

11-05-2011, 18:33
Finally someone catches on.

11-07-2011, 19:46
i completely agree with you about Obermann.

and go credit unions!

11-09-2011, 15:46
its really like the opposite of the more extreme fox news guys. i'm not sure if its his words or his delivery!

11-09-2011, 22:05

11-10-2011, 19:11
Is a very interesting scenerio, but i don't see anything acomplished by protesting.
We are a capitalistic society, best to accept that and plan accordingly.

To sit out at a park with signs ust doesn't work anymore,
this is not the 60's revisited.
Tho from some of these knuckleheads comments on the news it seems they're there for the thrill.
So far I've read of 2 OD's in tents and today a guy shot himself in a camp..thats not good press for any movement.

Sorry, I've been there, done that when it counted, this is just a joke now to me.

Common sense says , you wish to change things?
Then you change what matters.
The credit unions instead of the banks is a good start.
Boycotts of specific good and products is a good idea.
voting out those that support the ones you oppose is a smart move.

The existing government system was not designed to be absolute.
It was designed to be modified.
Unfortunately that has not evolved the way the Founding Fathers had planned for.
Instead our government just continues to keep on rolling on.
I was talking to my brother about this the other day
Theres a lot to be said for a strong Dictator.
Once you get past the idea of ending with a bullet or hanged,its a good gig for awhile
The peasants rejoice for awhile., as long as you try a bit to stay clear of bad press and toss some tidbits to the people once in awhile
life goes on
Just a thought ;)

11-11-2011, 17:53
you been studying the change from the roman republic to the roman empire? ;)

11-11-2011, 18:08
What are you saying Beeno..that I don't look good in a toga?:blush: