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02-23-2012, 20:07
Im new to games online..

Live in Sweden best country in the world :)

Mr President
02-23-2012, 20:14
Welcome to Nation Wars.. Feel free to poke around and ask any questions you have about the game. Can be intimidating, but doesn't take long to know what you're doing and soon you'll be really competing for the top.

Best advice right now would be to check out the manual and beginners guide. Also, join a nation.. That way you have people helping you along each day if needed. There are only a couple days left in this set, but the new one will start on the first of March.. So play around some this set to help get the feel of it.

Thanks for playing!

02-23-2012, 21:58
Welcome to the game :)

02-24-2012, 10:07
"Grunt". oh, Hey, didn't see you there. welcome. Sorry, just a little grumpy, but that comes with age. Hope to see you around... often.

02-24-2012, 12:28
hey there i remeber that name from another game :) do you know what aniara is doing these days? ;)