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View Full Version : People can make a difference....

03-09-2012, 19:33

..make a difference

03-10-2012, 05:09
Please watch, feel bad and don't donate money to invisible children, heard nothing but bad things about them

03-10-2012, 20:23

03-11-2012, 20:19
Yeah theres a lot about invisible children(the group) and as cynical as I am I am not so beliving of everything a leader of a group says.
Do they waste money..I don't doubt it at all.
Just like the Red Cross does, yet I give blood everytime.
This whole kony2012 thing is amazing unto itself, and I disregard the messenger but concentrate on the message.
So many things go on in the world that seem trivial to many of us, and it takes something/someone to bring it to the forefront.they have done this.
think about Dafur..who even heard of the place before?