View Full Version : SAMS

07-07-2013, 18:20
Do Sams defend Standard attacks? It says air only in manual, but yet 2 attacks failed that should have won, the only thing I can think of is I didn't calculate sams?

Lord Burch
07-07-2013, 18:52
Do Sams defend Standard attacks? It says air only in manual, but yet 2 attacks failed that should have won, the only thing I can think of is I didn't calculate sams?

Yeah SAMs count SAs are everything vs everything. That was what I read anyways.

07-07-2013, 20:45
Like I said to you in a mail, I think you lost because they have a bigger national army.

Crimson Shadow
07-07-2013, 21:39
LB is correct, in Standard Attacks it is everything vs everything. So yes, SAMs defend. Only thing that acts differently in SA is jets, which will attack but won't count towards defense.

Zardozr is also correct in that you have to consider the national army when making an attack. A defending state could receive up to 50% defense bonus if their NA has enough units in it to fully support the defender.

07-07-2013, 22:20
You can choose what you want to send in an SA though, and if ACE did not send any jets or bombers then Sams should be little more than cannon fodder.

07-07-2013, 23:56
I only sent Inf, and Ships... Im still figuring things out, so maybe it was Nation Army. I sent 10% more thinking I was covered. How do u figure out the Nation Army allowance ?

07-08-2013, 00:45
its not totally more vs less, there is a small random factor i believe is 10 or 15%. send way more until you get the hang of it. i send all units every time unless in a war situation.

Lord Burch
07-08-2013, 01:53
I only sent Inf, and Ships... Im still figuring things out, so maybe it was Nation Army. I sent 10% more thinking I was covered. How do u figure out the Nation Army allowance ?

Well you could either a) go use all units or b) obtain state info and use what you think is necessary to win

07-08-2013, 02:02
im going to go with you having 2mill ships already doesnt help :-)

07-08-2013, 02:18
Ships always help, the person he attacked has 2 million ships as a matter of fact.

Lord Burch
07-08-2013, 06:23
I only sent Inf, and Ships... Im still figuring things out, so maybe it was Nation Army. I sent 10% more thinking I was covered. How do u figure out the Nation Army allowance ?

Strange I set up the nation army dispatch to 50% as it should be.

Crimson Shadow
07-08-2013, 20:40
its not totally more vs less, there is a small random factor i believe is 10 or 15%. send way more until you get the hang of it. i send all units every time unless in a war situation.

Yes, I forgot to mention that there is a defensive random factor. Last I knew it fluctuated between 7% and 8%.

You can choose what you want to send in an SA though, and if ACE did not send any jets or bombers then Sams should be little more than cannon fodder.

The game doesn't follow what should be "logical." It takes total offensive value vs total defensive value (plus NA plus above random factor).
So yes, 100k SAMs would win vs 100k infantry.

I only sent Inf, and Ships... Im still figuring things out, so maybe it was Nation Army. I sent 10% more thinking I was covered. How do u figure out the Nation Army allowance ?

A national army will temporarily send an additional 50% units to help defend (you also get up to an additional 50% units to attack). So a state with 1,000,000 infantry will receive an additional 500,000 units to help defend, bringing their total to 1,500,000 infantry. The reason why this is up to 50% is it depends on what the nations choose to supply (ask your leader for your specific support) and if there are enough units to help. So in the previous example if the support is set to 50% but the nation only has 200,000 infantry in reserve then the support will be 100,000 for a total of 1,100,000 infantry (since the max support can be 50%).

So to sum up, most nations have support set to 50%. So, both attackers and defenders get additional support of whatever is less (half of the state's army or half of the nation army).

07-09-2013, 02:41
I find it very misleading that sams count towards battle against non aircraft. The description of them clearly states that they are for "Defense In Air Raids" If Crimson Shadow is correct about what sams do then I think that description should be changed.

07-09-2013, 12:01
I've never seen the random factor go past 10%. My general rule when grabbing is if i'm a lot higher NW than the player i just send his NW of Infantry in with full NA backing and you should never have a problem

07-16-2013, 17:41
Why would you not just send 100% all the time
Are there any negatives to sending everything just to be sure?
Oh and one other thing on my mind, when attempting to spy does it just go off who has the most units (if both same level)

07-16-2013, 18:11
100% all the time for me. unless your competing for the absolute top spots (which takes alot of time and practice) just go 100%

Crimson Shadow
07-16-2013, 21:49
Why would you not just send 100% all the time
Are there any negatives to sending everything just to be sure?
Oh and one other thing on my mind, when attempting to spy does it just go off who has the most units (if both same level)

There are a couple reasons why sending 100% isn't the best idea.
1) Sending more units uses up more readiness (up to a maximum loss of 25% if you send all). This isn't really a big deal except during wars, but it does mean that it will take more turns to get back to 100% readiness which can result in some extra wasted turns between attacks.
2) Sending more = losing more. Expect higher unit losses if you send significantly more than you need to. The losses are more noticeable when it is higher NW states vs higher NW states, but it does happen.

And to answer your other question, spies act differently all together. They have a large random factor which has been reduced some, but I don't think it is publicly known what the random factor is. Sometimes if you are very lucky 100,000 lvl 1s can break 300,000 lvl 8s, but it can go the other way. If you are unlucky 300,000 lvl 8s could fail against 100,000 lvl 1s.

07-17-2013, 18:21
Ahhh ok thanks, ill start trying to lower the amount little by little then to get a better idea :)

Crimson Shadow
07-17-2013, 21:46

This calculator is a little outdated but still works great. But generally, get a spy op first then you can plug their info into it and you can find out exactly what you need to send in order to win.