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Mr President
02-19-2014, 20:26
There will be two new changes being implemented next set.

Science Tech for upgrades- States will now have to use science instead of cash to upgrade their military units. This will offer a large boost to the techer start.

Loans- under the bank tab states will be able to take out a loan to help them be cash positive during slow times. Interest rates will be set to 3% per loan. Each state can take up to 500 million in loans. Interest is added on at the time of loan. Every time you use a turn a payment will be made. You'll see this listed in your expenses. It also breaks out how much of the expense was used for a loan payment. The payment amount is based on 400 turns to pay it back. Loans will not be granted the last week of the set and they MUST be paid back in full to have your state placed in the final ranks at the end of the set. If you have an unpaid loan your state will be deleted and not added to the stats

States are able to manually pay back the loan as well. Currently the system is set up to make a payment per turn until you reach 500.00 balance. After that you will need to manually pay off the loan. You'll see reminders each turn so you don't forget :-)

This is a nice feature to help states from time to time but be careful as it can really cost you a lot or even ruin a state if abused. There is no bankruptcy option. And you can't delete until your loan is paid off as well :)

02-19-2014, 22:07
That's a cool new thing to add that could really alter a start up strategy

02-19-2014, 22:08
The loans I mean, the science upgrade is a good idea to see if it can really enhance the tech strategy

02-19-2014, 22:54
I like these changes. It will definitely help out the game.

One thing that should be changed to, is the unit information. You cannot tell the oil consumption for any of the units.

Keep up the good work pres!

02-20-2014, 05:13
Andy, Oil is same as food...just if it is a metal thing,, then its oil..

Mr President
02-20-2014, 08:54
Andy, I don't know what you mean by you can't see the oil consumption of the units?

Go to http://game.nation-wars.com/gamesettings.php to see this.

The units that do not require oil won't have a consumption and visa versa for food.

(Overview drop down --> Game info)

02-20-2014, 12:24
I should have been more specific. The upgrade page doesn't show oil, it does show food though.

Mr President
02-20-2014, 14:40
awe yes... you are correct. Thank you for pointing that out. I totally missed that.

I made the change to reflect oil now.

02-23-2014, 21:45
The amount of loans taken out should be in relation to the size of the state surely? So soon as the set starts I can take out 500mill loan?

Science sounds good though. I've come round to it,although that might be the lack of sleep haha.

Mr President
02-26-2014, 19:52
Due to practically no down time between sets this round I implemented next sets changes today.


Minimum Amount - 100M
Maximum Amount - 500M
Interest Rate - 3%

Payments are made tow ways.
1) Manual Payment. You can go to the bank page and make a payment at any time.

2) Each turn a payment towards your loan is made. As your loan balance declines, so does your payment. You will see the amount in a line below expenses. Automatic turn payments will continue until your loan reaches a balance of $500.00. After that you will need to manually make a payment. You will be reminded each turn to make a payment. Payments are based on a 400 turn payoff of the balance.

Interest is charged at the start of the loan. When you enter the amount to borrow, 3% will be added to the borrowed amount. You can't borrow prior to the round starting and you can't borrow 7 days before the end of the set. If you don't pay your loan back your state will not finish the set or be listed in any of the past records. If you continually not pay your loans back set after set the loan feature will not be available to you in future sets.

Tech for upgrading units-

Science will now be required for upgrading military units. There are no extra costs to upgrade if you already have units on hand. (I changed that this set as well in case none of you noticed) This is going to put a larger demand for science. We will see how this works out. I have two concerns, 1) that we are too small and won't have the proper amount of techers to support the new demand and 2) this may make techer too strong. We'll play a set and see how it goes. If the supply is far less than the demand I'll boost up the auto fill for the market.

Tank Prices and Values -

I will be increasing the price of tanks and other values.

Infantry -

Strength will be increased.

Population -

Population will now begin to consume Oil.

Tanks, Jets, Bombers and Ships will now begin to consume food again. This won't be a great amount at first. We are taking small steps until we find the sweet spot. Originally I made it so they didn't consume food but they should.

Oil prices and consumption values will not be changed this set. I'm happy with how things are right now. I think this is going to be a competitive strat.

Sometime during next set I'll reopen the mobile version of the game. Once I do this I will be able to concentrate on getting the App up and running for testing and then final release.


02-27-2014, 07:24
Will the loan be from the nation bank.

Mr President
02-27-2014, 07:58
No. You will go to the States bank page and see it. Right now this is just a stand alone system. Any State can take a loan.

02-27-2014, 09:35

02-27-2014, 16:58
is there going to be a part in the dev centre for the techer strat? if its going to be used as a potential full set strat instead of just a start up then maybe there should be. also farmer and oil strat should be merged in the dev centre in my opinion and even have it so ya dont loose the production bonus if you have oil and farming, or at least maybe a slightly smaller bonus than if you had solely one of these buildings. just think the amount of resources on the pm would be easier to shift depending on demand.

Mr President
02-28-2014, 07:47
Science is formulated without the need of tech. If needed we can adjust production some.

Merging Farmer and Oil tech isn't a bad idea. Isn't scheduled to change this set but after we get some more feedback on pros and cons we can make a change.

Mr President
02-28-2014, 11:27
All of the changes above have been made, except.... The prices and values of tanks. Those have remained the same for now.

03-05-2014, 07:41
Building Statistics
Land Built: 93% (275.207/295.105)
Commercial Zones: 16% (43.259)
Residential Zones: 22% (60.395)
Industrial Zones: 30% (83.787)
Farming Zones: 8% (20.776)
Science Facilities: 20% (53.923)
Oil Rigs: 5% (13.067)
Construction Sites: 0% (0)

And it seems like there is shortage of tech. 20% and still shortage?

Is this necessarily a bad thing? I don't think so. Before, when one strategy was overplayed/underplayed it kinda felt like the whole set is ruined like that. Now that science has proved to be in big demand, more people will play techer. So, when they finally decide to convert, they can carefully decide which strategy needs their help!

More comments about recent changes:
Infantry hoarding has been replaced with tanks hoarding... And with the addition of oil, then tanks hoarding is even better. Other units use it anyway, so its better if the farmers/oilers decide to go with oil.
Maybe go back to the old settings where infantry was better, but because we have this oil/food thing then infantry would actually be useful if there are enough farmers!

03-05-2014, 17:09
Infantry vs tanks, when infantry would be the old strength (1.445), tanks vs infantry would be equal.
When using 1bil money to buy tanks at max price and infantry at max price, then you get 3,4m infantry and 592.7k tanks. If used oil and food max price to calculate costs per turn, then tanks cost 4% more per turn (474k$ infantry vs 493k$ per turn), but in the other hands tanks are 3,5% stronger (5,03m vs 4,91m). They are basically the same. But infantry was hoarded because no1 bought tanks, no nation army had tanks.

03-07-2014, 01:41

seems like a bug

Mr President
03-07-2014, 16:21
Can I get some feedback on:

Science for upgrades

I see a few people have taken loans. How is it working for you? Should the max be higher, lower or is it just right?

03-08-2014, 01:10
Loans - feels like it is mandatory. It offers such a boost at the start, whether u use it for early upgrading or buying your first army for first grabs. Make it hurt more! Don't know how, but if it stays like it is now, then it won't offer much of a strategical advantage, because i guess everybody will use it. If you tweak it to be very weak, then noone will take it. So I don't know. I'd preferably remove it, unless someone has a clever idea about it. Or keep it like it is now - although it doesn't necessarily shuffle the top3 around, it may seem appealing to newer players.

Science for upgrades - Puts a lot of demand for science. Not a bad idea. Brings more money into the circulation, than with using money. I also like the fact that you can now upgrade with units on hand. Maybe the next step would be to reduce the number or available upgrades? I dislike to see all these newer players in my nation who have everything upgraded to level 3, it's not obvious that actually you need to have your unit at either level 1 or level 8. And on some cases at level 4. But that's it. You don't see superpasha or margus with level 7 ships at the end. You even don't see maggio with everything upgraded to level 5.

03-09-2014, 08:40
maybe have the interest rate scale with how early in the round it is. first 5 days make it like 20%, then the next five days drop to 15. then after 15 drop to 5% or 3%. or say you can't barrow more than 100 times your NW meaning you can't barrow th 500mil till 5m nw. Just spitballing here.

03-09-2014, 10:35
Yep, I like that idea.
Currently it's just another advantage to those who already know how to take the top spots.
But, thinking of the war we have going on atm. I think the restarts appreciate it a lot!

03-10-2014, 03:58
Oh, and about loans. Estimated turns to payoff: 400. I've done close to 2000 turns now, and still haven't payed it back :D.
1 turns payback needs to be fixed to 3% of 500million. You currently have it fixed to 3% of whatever is left to pay.

03-10-2014, 04:12
But, thinking of the war we have going on atm. I think the restarts appreciate it a lot!

Loving it!!! :)

Mr President
04-04-2014, 10:15
For many sets now, when a member clicked on the info links inside the game (military units, buildings ect ect) they were taken to an empty Wiki page. We have tried Wiki several times and it is nothing short of a nightmare to, keep up, maintain and keep the hackers out of it. Over the past few days I have been changing these links to pull data from our existing "help" section that we began populating last year. I have most of the links taken care of. If you happen to find one please send in a ticket and let me know where and i'll take care of it.

Now when someone clicks on a unit or a building picture a little box pops up giving them instant information. It's not 100% perfect but I'm working on it. But it is much better than being lead to an empty page..

04-04-2014, 11:25
Okay just did a quick random clicking on things, when pressing on cashier picture..its an empty wiki page...

04-04-2014, 12:54
Pasha listen to his directions * facepalm* create a ticket lol. He will see it much faster.

04-04-2014, 13:43
yeah i heard lol..but wtf is a ticket? :S