View Full Version : can't wait for next set.

12-27-2014, 16:16
Mr P what are your new plans for next set. Because i can't wait for next set. USOG LIVES FOREVER.

Mr President
12-27-2014, 20:37
My plans are sitting on the beach, drinking ice cold beer and watching the beautiful scenery. While I'm doing this, secret service will be protecting me :)

12-27-2014, 21:48
^jealous...can I work as your secret service at least sir??? =)

12-27-2014, 22:18
what BS... I don't make my people pay 50% taxes for you to take a vacation every month.

12-27-2014, 22:50
hes like the text based version of Obama lmao no wonder why nothing gets done around here hahahaha totally kidding...don't fire me -_-

12-28-2014, 08:18
haha hey Obama done a lot for you guys in 8 years...fabricating evidence to start so many war conflicts as he did takes effort :p

12-28-2014, 18:40
Yeah and when he goes I'm gunna have less chance of doing anything :-(