View Full Version : November Set

Mr President
10-25-2017, 16:45
First, the market activity has been fixed for the Obtain State Info spy op. This has not been working properly since the combination changes was in place. Also, the color code script has been updated and now includes failed attacks as part of its count. I adjusted the cron timer so it shouldn't skip as much as it has been lately.

Another change to the Obtain State Info spy op is......... Currently you are able to see Savings information as well as Market Activity. We combined these to help reduce the amount of spy ops however, I have always thought that it was a lot of information for one turn so I made a change. Instead of making it use more turns, I have made it so the upgrade level plays a part.

The actual spy information remains the same but in order to see the savings information you need to have either an equal or greater spy level. So if my spies are level 3 and the defender is level 5 spies, I will be able to see the overview but I will not be able to see savings or market activity. If my spies are level 6 and the defender is level 5, I will be able to see all three. If we both have the same level, I would still be able to see all three.

This is not about the total amount of spies you have, this is the level your spies are at.

There may be more changes added to this post before the start of next set. It is all based on how much free time I get :)

10-26-2017, 04:51
What if the defender have lvl12 spies?

Mr President
10-26-2017, 08:09
You would need lvl 12 spies to view them or you would need an ally who has level 12 spies to get you the info. Remember, even if you have a lower level but more spies, you would still be able to see the actual state overview. You just wouldn't be able to see the savings info or the market activity.

10-26-2017, 14:19
So everything grounds to luck if you get lvl12 or not.

Mr President
10-26-2017, 16:45
The majority do not receive lvl 12 spies so I wouldn't say everything. As long as you have a higher level than the enemy, you'll be ok. On the rarity that they have level 12 spies then yes, hopefully you get them as well or you can also ask an ally state who may have lvl 12 spies help you out. Again, this is only for just the savings and market activity parts of the OSI. As long as you have more spies, you will still see their overview.

Savings and Market activity information is not game changing.

10-26-2017, 17:46
i Think its a cool change motivates you to upgrade :)