Okay so i didn't know if i should put this in national recruitment or not, cause it pertains to more of a discussion, but it can be moved by a mod if nessicary

I am going to run a nation next set that will be geared towards training/recruiting new players

I don't nessicarily know how much time i will have to teach, but i will be able to be on daily at the worst

I need at least 2-3 more current players to help out w/ this

If you feel you'd be good at teaching please let me know ( i believe we have discussed this in the community, and that this would be a semi-decent idea to set up, we can work out the "attacking" and what not later)

So far i have myself and Pron in the nation if we are allowed to run this nation ( i guess if someone else really wants to run the training nation then they can)

Warlord did mention something about either leading or teaching so he has first dibs