i think we should not be worried abotu top 10 scores overall but per set, a fresh game with changes is what we need. NZ updates there server every set. i was thinking of some stuff like this

Nation A: (Cashier Favored)
- +10% income
- Max Bank Size Doubled
- BM price is +10% of PM max(decreased from +20%) / OR max PM Max the BM price so if pm is dry they can still buy from BM

- +5% Food Consumption
- Banking Cost 1 turn to Deposit
- Upgrade prices +10%
- Goods Purchased From BM arive in 1 hour

Nation B (indy favored)
+10% Production
- A production button added
- Upgrades -10% of original Price

+8% food consumption
Bank Size -25% (no turn to deposit)

Nation C (Farmer Favored)
+10% Food production
-5% food consumption
Bank Size +25%
+Farming Button for extra production

+ 10% time to ship to market
Banking Cost 1 turn

Becoming a war nation: if your going to FS you have to declare yourself as a warring nation and it takes 24 hours
+ Readyness use after declaration(not declaration of war but as a warring nation) drops by 1/2
+ Bonus's from Cash, Produce, or Farm is Revoked
+ Ability To Declare War

(if you are FS you can imediatly declare war back and keep your netting standerds but do not recieve the Readyness bonus or the abbility to declare war on other nations)

Returning to Netting:
If you are finished warring and wish to return to the Netting Bonus Provided Above then u must revoke your warring status this should take 6-12 hours somewhere in there

ONCE YOU DECLARE PEACE ON A NATION YOU CAN NOT WAR THEM AGAIN FOR X ammount of days depending on the new set length

Then Some new Techs:
Market Shipping: the more tech you put into it the less time it takes to ship goods
War Declaration: more tech means less time to become a war nation (max is 12 hours instead of 24)
Bank Size: Max 25% of current bank level so Indy can return to regular, farm and cash will have an additional 25% if researched

someothers that i have in mind but i will see how this is liked