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Thread: Elementary School Students Taught to Sing Praises of President Obama

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    politics should be taught in an unbias way. the song shouldnt mean anything but what it is...a song praising the president of our country.

    polling during the presidential campain indicated that 72% of americans wanted health care reform, so no one is shoving anything down the minorities throat.

    maybe you dont need the help. maybe you think its fair for the insurance companies to charge a guy like me 700+/mo for family care?

    I think there is rascism in the country, I think that there are ALOT of haters out there.

    Why do we here things like "death panels"? Why is that principle getting "death threats". Why does the president simply wanting to tell kids to stay in school take up a weeks worth of news casts about parents threatening to pull their kids from school? Why do thousands and thousands of americans still think Obama is a terrorist?

    Its not even the reps anymore, they dont have the power to make such an arguement...neither does the dems. its the hand full of so called tv personalities clawing for ratings that are causing soooo much trouble.

    I know that my situation is like a majority of americans. I make wayyyy to much to get help, and not nearly enough to afford what i need as basics. My wife and I have two pretty good jobs, and we live in a modest townhouse, and have one care payment. Guess what....we can barely make it! I have to take up a second job just to get by. THAT IS NOT THE AMERICAN WAY!

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by MAGGIO View Post
    my kids are in school too. Did you mine that he make a speach to him? I didnt... I was brought up on the belief that you could be anything you wanted to be "even the president of the united states".

    for people to protest a "national hero" is UN AMERICAN!

    Presidents used to be relished, and adored...Like Truman, JFK, Washington, Kennedy, legends. We used to stand behind them, not listen to loud mouth criticts getting air time by television and radio stations trying to see more advertising.

    Mr. P im not calling you anything even close to rascist, just dont jump on the band wagon because kids were singing a song about the new president.

    Black: unkneeded, needed, who cares. If the president wants to address the children he has everyright, and he should be respected not disrespected.

    parents wouldnt have protested bush talking to there kids cause hes a good ol boy who preached about good and evil (god and the devil)
    Quote Originally Posted by MAGGIO View Post
    what ever happened to freadoms like speach, expression, and religeon? I guess its ok now as long as its behind closed doors.
    Maggio your missing my point. I have yet to really comment on him going to this school and speaking. I clearly said i would think it all over and then state an opinion.

    My comments about the racist stuff has nothing to do with him going to the school. it's about everything else. If you are against him in anyway then you are called a racist. That is all i am saying. I don't think that is fair to those people who are just trying to stand up advocating what they feel is right.

    And your right, back in the day Presidents were treated with more respect. But let's remember the main thing here, back then the media was NOTHING like it is today. In truman's day, household TV's were rare. Now people have TV's in there bathrooms ..

    Media has changed everything about this country. good ways and bad ways. And Obama has himself on TV 20 out of the 24hrs per day. So he actually invited more criticism.

    But again, when people's right to stand up and voice opinions goes away, we are in really big trouble. And just cause they voice an opinion does not mean they are being racist.. It means they are being American.

    "You counted on America to be passive... You counted Wrong!"

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by MAGGIO View Post
    I know that my situation is like a majority of americans. I make wayyyy to much to get help, and not nearly enough to afford what i need as basics. My wife and I have two pretty good jobs, and we live in a modest townhouse, and have one care payment. Guess what....we can barely make it! I have to take up a second job just to get by. THAT IS NOT THE AMERICAN WAY!
    Couldn't agree with you more on this. But the middle class has carried this country for ages. And until the people actually step up and make a change, nothing will ever change.

    When Obama ran i was 50/50 with him. When he won i vowed to give him a fair chance and i have. I don't like many of the choices he has made. What i feel like is cause i work hard and make a decent living and get by that i should be taxed more to pay for those who don't. I have no issues with welfare. as long as it's used the way it should be used. It should not be used as a job though. People should get 1yr of help so they can find a job. After the 1yr, they are out of luck. There are plenty of jobs out there but why would people work when they can get money for free?

    I understand that not all the jobs are classy job, but hell if i fell flat on my face and my family needed food, shelter ect ect my @ss would be working at Burger King or wherever i could earn money.. I wouldn't sit back and collect it for free.

    I love to help out friends and neighbors in need. I do it all the time. But i don't think the Govt has any right to tell me who and how much i will be helping them, and then freaking tax me more to do it. This country is the most giving country in the world. this current administration care more about how other countries and people feel about us then our own country does.

    How does it make you feel when all these other countries are standing up, (the ones who normally are quiet and reserved) pushing to stop Iran from getting nukes and our President says "well we won't do anything as long as you like us and don't say mean things about us".. Jesus people come on, the world is in a bad place right now.

    ok i'm done

    "You counted on America to be passive... You counted Wrong!"

  4. #14
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    South Alabama


    Quote Originally Posted by MAGGIO View Post
    politics should be taught in an unbias way. the song shouldnt mean anything but what it is...a song praising the president of our country.

    polling during the presidential campain indicated that 72% of americans wanted health care reform, so no one is shoving anything down the minorities throat.

    maybe you dont need the help. maybe you think its fair for the insurance companies to charge a guy like me 700+/mo for family care?

    I think there is rascism in the country, I think that there are ALOT of haters out there.

    Why do we here things like "death panels"? Why is that principle getting "death threats". Why does the president simply wanting to tell kids to stay in school take up a weeks worth of news casts about parents threatening to pull their kids from school? Why do thousands and thousands of americans still think Obama is a terrorist?

    Its not even the reps anymore, they dont have the power to make such an arguement...neither does the dems. its the hand full of so called tv personalities clawing for ratings that are causing soooo much trouble.

    I know that my situation is like a majority of americans. I make wayyyy to much to get help, and not nearly enough to afford what i need as basics. My wife and I have two pretty good jobs, and we live in a modest townhouse, and have one care payment. Guess what....we can barely make it! I have to take up a second job just to get by. THAT IS NOT THE AMERICAN WAY!
    I totally agree with you on alot of your points... I am with you for change, but not Fundamentally Changing the USA.. Obama, after the election, has surrounded himself with extreamist. Call them what you want, but they are trying to change the USA into something far away from what it was founded to be. Health Care has alot of room for improvement.. but not a Gov. run system.. they cant keep up with Social Security, The post office is constantly raising prices and now closing branches and laying off employee's, they are now selling GM cars and Truck.. I can go on forever, but I hope you get my point that I am a part of the majority here, that believes the Gov should not run every aspect of life.. I will fight for my right to live a free life and resist any type of Socialist/Dictatorship that I believe Obama is pushing for.

  5. #15


    I also agree that there is MAJOR room for improvement to health care. And i fully agree that it should not be Govt run.

    There are more simple ways to go. Like open up the state borders and let true competition take place. Drug companies rule this country. they contribute the most to these presidential campaigns, so they get the most in return. So let's change that. Let's stop making campaigns about who spends the most wins and let's make it to who brings the most to the table and is better qualified.

    I say if you want to run for President then you pay for it completely out of your own pocket.

    also another issue i have is, if your a congressman or a senator and you run for President or any other job, then you must first leave the job you hold. You can not effectively do one job while running for another. last time i checked i can't do that where i work.. How about you?

    "You counted on America to be passive... You counted Wrong!"

  6. #16
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    South Alabama


    Your right.. seems like double dipping or getting paid for not doing the job you are paid to do.. and if you have that much free time as a congressman, maybe it should be cut back to part time, with part time pay and part time benifits.

  7. #17
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    After looking at CNN and MSN home pages.. there are no articals or news on Health Reform.. Now I would like to know why these major news agencies are not talking about this issue.. I believe this is a MAJOR issue for the US people to be informed on the facts, so that we can make unbiased opinions on the issue..

    Its creepy that they are hiding this info from us.. and its suppose to be a great plan and such.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disorder View Post
    After looking at CNN and MSN home pages.. there are no articals or news on Health Reform.. Now I would like to know why these major news agencies are not talking about this issue.. I believe this is a MAJOR issue for the US people to be informed on the facts, so that we can make unbiased opinions on the issue..

    Its creepy that they are hiding this info from us.. and its suppose to be a great plan and such.
    I am glad the sh8t storm has calmed. You want facts and all just like I do, but the fact is there is NO BILL, or even a PROPOSAL out. Just a bunch of talks, and feelers.

    "Death Panels"....really? Thats just not the kinda talk we need. its gets all the half witted people all rawled up...and I think we all know most people are half witted.

  9. #19
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    This is kind of like how anyone who criticized Pres. Bush got called un-American or un-patriotic, so quite frankly, I see nothing worth arguing about here.

    As for keeping people informed about Health Care reform, I absolutely agree that the media is not doing its job. When talking heads like Rush or Glenn can get people to march on Washington carrying signs with Obama with a hitler moustache, or openly calling Obama racist on their shows, or Sarah Palin whining about 'Death Panels', and this is front page news, you know there is something fundamentally wrong with the media in America.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tnova
    Hmmmm, well, I was speaking on a person to person basis, since you are one of my favorite people in the game.
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  10. #20
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    The death panel theory come from one of Obama's many czars that advise him.. And one of the top Health Care advisors wrote a book, and has admitted that there is a cost on a persons life, at every particular moment, and unfortunatly, once your old and can't work, its not worth sinking much money into caring for.. I will provide some factual information later on this.. but that is who our President is surrounding himself with.. You would not have learned that from CNN or the other left winged media puppets. We must rely on people as Palin, Glen, and Rush and Fox to investigate where the mainstream is to afraid to risk their reputations on.

    You really think all of these people can just throw these lies around on public TV.. They would have been shut down due to so many Slandering law suits long ago if they did not report facts.

    refer to this--
    Last edited by Disorder; 09-26-2009 at 21:33.

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