You will notice that there are now ads in the forums. Please click on a
few of them from time to time. The more views the more money we get.
What we are trying to do is make it so we get a little money to help pay
for the upgrades when needed. The forum expense is covered and i'm not
looking to make any of that back, that was a gift to everyone from the
White House

Soon there will be an option to become a prem member in the forums.
I have not decided all the details yet but so far you would receive a
colored name, and no ads. It will be cheap to be a prem member. It's
not like we have a lot to offer. I'm thinking it would be like a 1.00 a month
or 8.00 for a year. Something in those lines. I will be working on it this week..

If you have any other ideas that we could include for the price then
please post them below.
