This is what i wanted to get together this set, but everyone just bashed it, and ruined my thread, starting a lot of drama. I would like this to be a good discussion about possible idea for nations that want to war, and maybe only have 2 or 4 or even 6 members ( amount of members is not relevant, just giving an example)

It is hard to have a good war when you have 4 people. IMHO. Unless you want to war another nation with 4 people. Then it is fine. However, i like large scale wars. Where each nation has huge war chats, and kills left and right. There are stockers, jumpers, stonewallers, and just all out chaos for days, even weeks.

So maybe you don't want to join someone else's nation. And you and your friends are gonna stick together and war. 5 v ?. Well, if you have your 5 and my 5 and all the fives then you'd have a strong allinace. That is going to war. And not have a lame war.

If this sounds like it might be your cup of tea, or if you just want to get some wars going. Post here with ideas, and lets keep this on topic. I am not saying big nations shouldn't post. But if your a nation that is going to net next set, don't just come here causing trouble please.