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Thread: NW Patriot Act (Suicide / Cheater policy)

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    Default NW Patriot Act (Suicide / Cheater policy)

    For many sets now there has been a huge amount of outcry from the community about cheaters and suiciders. Both equally hard to deal with from a admin stand point. As easy as some may think solving these issues can be, i once again remind you, it's not!

    Since the game came back, i have vowed to take on the suiciding issue. Each set i bring it up and continue to ask people to put forth ideas. Though none of the ideas are solid, they are good ones. And the way i look at it, we AT LEAST need a starting point to work from.

    In past polls, the community felt that Admins should not be involved in the suiciding issue, and most believed it was part of the game.. Well it seems now that opinion has changed. And honestly, i can't sit here set after set and watch people getting suicided. So as popular or unpopular it may be, admins will now intervene with the suiciding issues.

    First, the definition of what a suicide really is. And basically it's simple. Someone who destroys someone else for no reason or logical/stratigical gain.

    We can make it sound more fancier, but really, that is all it is. So now that we have defined it, it will now be against the rules to suicide.

    Here is the admins part in all of this. Each suicide will be reviewed by both game admins. (myself & Tnova) and if both agree that is a sucicide then the suicider gets deleted and the suicided gets his/her state rolled back to the last backup they had. Unless he/she asks that it's not rolled back.

    Open discussions about who should get there state back bla bla bla will be ignored if not deleted. All i want from people is either a PM or a simple post alerting us to who was suicided, and then we will look into this. If you seek a roll back you need to make a post in the Report Cheaters section of the forums. Anyplace else will be ignored.

    Each case will be looked at closely. If it doesn't fit the definition, then nothing is done. Basically, it has to be a very clear that it was a suicide. Seeing Tnova and myself are active in the game, it's easier for us to keep track on who has vendettas against who, so if someone hits someone else in revenge, it's not a suicide.. It's a war! Also, it is advised that you don't cry wolf. If every week of every set you cry suicide, chances are your posts will be less important.. So please only report the ones you know are a suicide.

    Also, as we move forward, things will be implemented to make it harder to suicide. I'll update this post as they are implemented.

    If a member suicides often, they will be put on the three strike rule.. Read below for further details on the 3 strike rule.


    Well it's no secret that some of you seem to have made a career in cheating. And so far the worst that has happened is you lose your state. there is truly no way to 100% ban someone from the game due to proxies and other things, but we sure can make life harder for you. From this point on we are going by the 3 strike rule.

    1st offense- Mistakes can happen. People may not know you can't have more then one account. I know i made 2 when i first started playing .. So each 1st offense case will be looked at closely. Punishment will be pink name in the forums and a stern warning.

    2nd offense- Pink name in the forums, name added to the known terrorist list and your name will be highlited in pink on the socres sheet each time you play from the date of your second offense. No set time on when it will be removed. Guess it depends on you.

    3rd offense- Your gone! See ya!

    Your account will be banned along with anything else we can do to make sure you can't play. And though you may sneak back in, as soon as we find you, your gone again.. And we will keep doing this over and over. And trust me when i say, you will grow more tired of it long before we will.

    These steps are by far the largest attempt we have taken to help control certain aspects of the game. I'm not a huge fan of an admin having his hands to much in the mix, but clearly something needs to be done. If perhaps things get more under control and cheating/suiciding levels decrease, then so will this patriot act.

    This is only a starting point. As we grow and move forward, i am certain that changes will have to made to this act. But it's a starting point to work from.. And it's way over due..

    Best thing to do is, not cheat or suicide..
    Last edited by Mr President; 10-10-2008 at 21:14.

    "You counted on America to be passive... You counted Wrong!"

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