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Thread: Obama’s Top Five Broken Promises

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    South Alabama


    Quote Originally Posted by MAGGIO View Post
    give the freaking guy a chance...Reps lost get over it...its gonna be hard to be as bad as bush...please dont forget he does take responsibility for getting us in this mess.
    Name something he has acually done so far that you approve of.. I hve read nothing anywhere that I can honestly sit back and say, ahhhhhh, I like that idea, that will help alot of people out..... etc, etc, etc.. so lets hear MAGGIO, name something great he has done besides rallying the Democrats to overwhelming majority.

  2. #12
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    Aug 2007


    I looked at my pay stub today. My take home was $35 more than before the stimulous package was passed. A little bit more at a time helps me keep gas in my car, and more food on my table. When your check to check $35 means alot especially on rent week. I will be able to use this much more than one big check like last time. Not to mention my wife will bring home a bit more too. This will help us stretch it just a bit more until the next pay.

    My agent sent me an email today about the $8000.00 first time home buyer credit. I dont have quite enough saved up yet to buy a house, but this is going to push me closer to buying my first house. I need 3.5% down for an FHA loan excluding any closing costs. I have my 3.5 now I have my closing or better yet if I can get the seller to pay closing I have a cushion incase something goes wrong like a hot water heater or A/C unit.

    My father in law is a heavy equiptment operator and with the stimulous money MD is getting for infastructer my father in law will be able to have more job security since his company does alot of state and co. contracts.

    Thats just the first few weeks. I am really hoping that something comes through for health care. You wouldnt believe how much it costs to insure three kids. If I can get a bit better of a deal, I can afford Life Insurance so that is something happens to me my family will be taken care of.

    MD rolled out a new program that if I invest now I can get a 60K+ education for my children for about 3-5K each.

    Things are looking better for me.

    My comment goes to people (not just here) that seem bitter than Obama won and a Rep did not.

    I know something...The same gov that was created in 1775 will not survive in the 21st century.

    There are alot of old outdated laws out there that need reform. THe lilly whatever bill gave women a better chance to get equal pay. You wouldnt want your wife to make as much as their counterparts and if they didnt they have ground to stand on.

    Alot of you out there would give your life for another especially a loved one. Why wouldnt you give some stem cells? Stupid closed minded crap like that pisses me off.

    I was at the pediatricians the other day with a sick child. I saw the brocure for gardicile the HPV vaccine. It helps protect against 4 types of HPV that cause cancer and warts...why wouldnt I get that for my daughter to promote/preserve a healthy lifestyle? The min age is nine. She will be getting the shot right after her BDay that year. Same goes for Birth

    Rich people pay more taxes...let me tell you all something...if your rich you have a team of accountants, lawers, and investors...YOU DONT PAY TAXES cause there are plenty of "creative" ways to right **** off and invest to protect your money from Uncle Sam. Guess what I dont have any right offs and cant afford an accountant, who paying what now?

    Higher income families dont get to right off as much on the mortgage interest? Thank freaking god. They bought there house when ever they wanted and are sitting on plenty of equity regardless of the downturn and they get to right off state taxes which cause the property taxes to go up. Did you know that on a 250K house (min where I live just for a townhouse) that the prop taxes are $300/mo! thats almost $16% of my payment just for taxes! You know what else drives up prop taxes...foreclosures! So if Obama can pass something with some rules to protect against people taking advantage or had bought more than they can handle, but to protect people that may not be getting those retirement risiduals, pentions from dried up companies or heck just lost their job or some form of income than THANK GOD!

    Here is a list one of my rep friends put up on Facebook
    Top Ten Porkiest Projects in the Omnibus Spending bill
    Yesterday at 5:50pmTop Ten Porkiest Projects in the Omnibus Spending bill

    10. $1.7 million "for a honey bee factory" in Weslaco, TX
    Her answer: Who needs a bee factory?
    The real answer: Did you know that one in every three bits of food comes from some form of bee polination. let there be no bees and see how much food prices go up...bad enough im spending $600/mo to feed my family of 5

    9. $475,000 to build a parking garage in Provo City, Utah
    Her answer: what a waste!
    The real answer: Funding like this is why my father in law has a job.

    8. $200,000 for a tattoo removal violence outreach program that could help gang members or others shed visible signs of their past
    Her answer: What a waste
    The real answer: former gang bangers are not smart and dont deserve a fair shake after they try to conform to society and break away from a violent past

    6. $1 million for mormon cricket control in Utah
    Her answer: Mormon Crickets?
    The real answer: She must not want to protect crops!

    5. $650,000 for beaver management in North Carolina and Mississippi
    Her answer: I guess I should be a Beaver manager!
    The real answer: Beavers have a natural instinct to stop all running water. Left unchecked the will stop the flow of water into precious wetlands which in turn could wipe out entire local ecosystems...why not right?

    3. $332,000 for the design and construction of a school sidewalk in Franklin, Texas
    I guess we want the kids walking home from school in the streets...or how about no heat or ac in some of the countries 100+ year schools

    1. $1.7 million for pig odor research in Iowa
    IDK, maybe someone thought hey instead off all the waste and rot which poisons water tables and soil....Maybe just Maybe we could use the biproduct of the fattest country in the world to produce some sort of biofuel?

    It seems so many are so quick to open there mouths with out even knowing what is going on. Just jump on the bandwagon and dont support our leader, the one that one the popular vote and the electoral vote.

    People are so quick to jump all over obama, but quickly forget all the bonuses that employees beinifited from the bank bail outs of the Bush adminstration. If that is the case were is my bail out why didnt i get a bonus for nothing, worse then nothing, failing.

    I want to tell you all something personal. I took a $16,000.00 pay cut last year because of the economy. Some of my pay is based on profits and commision. I did the best job i could do, My company didnt need a bail out, my company even turned a profit, but I didnt get the bonuses from the gov. Matter fact while they got millions and billions in combined bonues, I lost a measley 16k...guess im just a lucky guy.

    If anyone should be bitter it should be ME, I have sixteen thousand reasons, but you dont seem me starting threads bashing reps...just defending our leader...forgive me but isnt it united we stand...
    Last edited by MAGGIO; 03-06-2009 at 00:29.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    you asked an yee shall recieve disorder

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    South Alabama


    Quote Originally Posted by MAGGIO View Post
    you asked an yee shall recieve disorder
    We'll I do appreciate hearing some positive. I am currently waking up, drinking my coffie, about to get ready to go to work. My work proves me with excellent health and life insurance, that is very affordable for me. That is a major reason I see a universal health care is unfit for this nation. I feel it will cost the working class like myself more money, and less benifits. As for the "pork" spending. There needs to be spending to create and support jobs. But hey, why not invest that into education. We are in a major fiananial crisis, we really do not need to invest in checking pig waste for what ever gases... at this time, mabe when we can afford it, yea, but allocate that money to better uses. I could debate each of those spending ordeals, but the bottom line is we can not afford it at this time, and the people should be ashamed for expecting any kind of "bail out" or assistance for getting theirself into debt they knew they could not afford in the first place, my wife and I resisted the temp. to get that nice new 200k+ house, why should I want to burden our tax system bailing out the not so smart ones?

    Gotta get to work, Uncle Sam is counting on my tax revenus today.


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    I resisted too.

    but i dont think the plan is meant for those to make 50K and bought a 400K house on a 0% interest arm, or any arm for that matter.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Lower Alabama


    Quote Originally Posted by Disorder View Post
    We'll I do appreciate hearing some positive. I am currently waking up, drinking my coffie, about to get ready to go to work. My work proves me with excellent health and life insurance, that is very affordable for me. That is a major reason I see a universal health care is unfit for this nation. I feel it will cost the working class like myself more money, and less benifits. As for the "pork" spending. There needs to be spending to create and support jobs. But hey, why not invest that into education. We are in a major fiananial crisis, we really do not need to invest in checking pig waste for what ever gases... at this time, mabe when we can afford it, yea, but allocate that money to better uses. I could debate each of those spending ordeals, but the bottom line is we can not afford it at this time, and the people should be ashamed for expecting any kind of "bail out" or assistance for getting theirself into debt they knew they could not afford in the first place, my wife and I resisted the temp. to get that nice new 200k+ house, why should I want to burden our tax system bailing out the not so smart ones?

    Gotta get to work, Uncle Sam is counting on my tax revenus today.

    To tell you the truth I am depending on your tax revenues, Go to wrok, make lots of overtime.

    @Maggio I am not bitter that Obama won the election, I am not bitter that the Repubs didn't. I know that it has only been a couple weeks that he has been in office, I just don't like the ideology of the fundamental changes to American society and the foundation that our great country was built on,being so radically changed. I see him, not the entire Dem party, leaning toward trying to make America a Socialist society. I am not in favor of socialism as a basis for government. I know, I am on disability which is a socialistic society and I depend on the government for my survival. However, what happened to me was not my fault. I did not want to become disabled and thank God that this country has this program in place for people like me who thru nofault of their own find themselves in dire circumstances.

    I am against the bailouts for the banking industry when the first thing they do is pay their CEOs a fat bonus with our money. That is not right.

    I am against the bail out of any privately owned business that thru their own doings have gotten themselves into the ****. I am all for helping those that lost their jobs because of the financial crises.

    As far as the universal health care, my opinion is that this country has the best medical research and highest quality care in the world and that is because of competition. If we go to a socialized medical system, the competition will decrease because the brightest and most innovative minds in medicine will no longer look to medicine for their incomes as they would be able to better attain their goals in another field. I may be way off the mark on that one but I believe that the competition to succeed in your own personal lifestyle drives more ppl to excel than any other driving force there is.

    I hope that Obama turns out to be a great president and succeeds in his term not for him but for the American people. I couldn't careless who is in place, I just want things to be better. I don't believe that we are going to get there by fundamentally changing the foundation of what our country was built on.

    The only reason that I posted this thread to start with is that he stated clearly what he was going to do to help change the political back scratching iin this country and within 2 months went directly back on what he said. now if he wants to change something the political system needs to have the first look. He stated he was going to fight against the pork barrel spending and the first bill he passes ,,has over 7000 items attached to it at a cost of $8,000,000,000. We cannot afford this type of thing right now.

    I will support my president just as I would if someone that I liked won the election, because I am an American and that is what we do. However when the ink isn't even dry on the inaugural documents and he goes back on one of the main things he ran on, I will voice my disapproval and dislike for that action, because I am an American and we are allowed to speak our minds. The constitution grants me the right to free speech and justbecause I have the right to speak I don't necessarily have the right to be heard. I am only practicing my God given rights to express myself.

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