I just wanted to let you all know a couple of new things that will be coming down the pike... I'm not going to answer all the questions i'm sure some of you may have right now.. this is just to let you in on some of the new things. when they are released, i will then explain it all and answer questions.

-Bombing Run [BR]-

Bombers will now be useful. They will have their very own attack called "Bombing Run"

this attack is for bombers only and will do the following. when used the Bombing Run [BR] will destroy a % of the enemies buildings as well as lower readiness. This attack has been in testing and we feel we have the settings good enough to enter into the game soon. From there we will surely need to tweak it a little more. The readiness loss is not as great of loss as you would get from AA's, but this attack also destroys buildings.. So when used properly it can render a state in pretty bad shape.

-United Nations-

This is still being built. It is 85% done but prolly won't be out till the May set. I still need to complete it, and then have it tested... How the UN will work is, any nation with 4 + members can join the UN. When you are a member of the UN you are able to:

-Send messages directly to other UN leader.
-Send military aid to other UN nations. (up to 10%)
-Send Financial aid to other UN Nations. (up to 10%)
-Send Science tech Aid to other UN Nations (up to 10%)

-Purpose Sanctions to other UN nations against any other UN nation.
-Create public Alliances with other UN Nations

there may be a few more ideas added to this. if you join the UN your nation will be charged a small fee per member, per day. After joining the UN, you can leave after 72hrs, but you will also have to pay a small fee and you will not be able to rejoin the UN for 7 days.

Nations who are members of the UN will have a UN flag listed in the nations scores section.

I know some are worried about the feeding.. That is why i have made it so only 10% of your goods can be sent per time, per 24hr period. Also, anytime a nation send any type of aid it posts it in the Global News.
"The Nation America[USA] has Sent an aid Package Containing $2000000 dollars to America 2[USA2]"

This way every other nation in the game can see who is sending who aid. and with that, the other nations in the game can govern these actions. if you don't like it, kill them Infact every action made by a UN member is logged on the Global news. Nations are not required to join the UN, this is simply an option.

If you have an idea that you think would fit into the UN, feel free to post it here. I will not debate them. If i like it, i'll work on adding it and seeing if it fits good.

Anyway, i'm excited about both of these new things happening to our game. As always i'm trying to make the game a little more interesting and fun by adding new things..