I have put on a couple of additions to the game.

-on the log in page you will see a "vote" button. Don't worry you can't miss it .. When you click it, it will take you into a special section of these forums where you will cast votes on game changes or issues. You can also access this same page from inside the forums, but not everyone who play uses these forums. Plus all non registered members can vote, so if they click on it then it will bring them here which may help increase forum usage too. The Dev team is in charge of this section and will post polls for all of us to vote on. Each week there will be a new poll.

- I have also added a scrolling marquee on the login page too. nothing big, but i think it makes it look a little better. We need to add things that makes the game look like it's fun and not plain. i am working on adding some graphics to the login page too.

- There is also a new tab in the game (under external forums tab). It's called "Vote for NW". When this is clicked it will take you to a place where you can cast your vote for Nation Wars. Clicking on this each day makes us climb up in ranks and helps bring new people to the game.

I know not all of you LOVE this game, but i think it's a 100% better then when we first put it up. Currently the Dev team is working on pure strats and once that is done things will be even better.

Svenne has replied to an email and has said he is sorry for taking so long but he is still swamped with school and just hasn't had the time, but he still
promises it will happen as soon as he gets a break from school. As much as we all want WoW back, we have to understand his school work comes first.
WoW will happen. Don't know when, but it WILL happen. Till then let's do as much as we can with Nation Wars and make it the best game we can.
