About a year ago I purchased the newest version of the vb forums. I held off upgrading as I wasn't sure I wanted to do it then as a lot of our current features wouldn't work, but now I am seriously thinking about upgrading our forums to the current version. The new version offers a lot of nice features that I think many of you would enjoy. However, upgrading to the new forums would mean we lose our currency system, arcade, casino and all the other neat little things we have on here. I have done a little research and many of these things are now available for version 4, but it would take me a while to get them reinstalled.

Other than Vbookie during the football season, nothing is really used much anymore.. I will leave this decision up to you all. If the majority who posts a reply to this agree with the new version then we will move forward with it. I have ran testing to make sure our game still coincides and everything seems good.

If we agree to upgrade then I will upgrade this forum within the next week. It will be easier to move these forums to the new server if we are already upgraded. Please post a reply and let me know your opinion.