There seems to be some confusion, at least to some, about the leadership of USA. ALthough no nation should be required to explain their inner workings on USA, it has come to my attention that some are confused and some are outright upset with the tone of USA. Let me get the record straight on a few things.

First, all FA matters are to be brought to Dogma's attention as he handles these matters. Any leader who wants to contact the USA leader, please do so. That is me. Mr P's status as leader is because USA is his baby and without his time, money (along with the efforts of others) NW would not even be here for us to enjoy. He is a valued member of USA and part of the leadership caste, but make no mistake, I lead USA and there is no internal power issues.

Some were offended when P offered his services as a negotiator earlier in the set. WHY? he has been at this as long as most here. It was not arrogance on his part but a genuine need to help. His offer was not a sanctioned action of USA, but something he wanted to do.

Some were offended when a post was made of our new VP. i say again, WHY? He has been a loyal member of USA for many sets who started as a n00b. He asked for help, got it and used it and is now one of the stronger states in the game and has been loyal to USA for the entire time. The announcement was meant as a pat on his back, not, as was suggested, our arrogance that all things USA are of the utmost importance to the community and that we somehow are full of ourselves. Cant we just congratulate a guy and let the community know of an alternative leader they can contact if they are in need of immediatie converse with USA?

In conclusion, I just wanted to clear the air about a few things that are being whispered about in the community. Any nation takes on the face and personality of its leader. Under P, the nation of USA was him and under me, not much has changed. I have a different approach to things, but all and all USA is still the nation that it was.