[QUOTE=Lord Burch;185287]
Quote Originally Posted by Dogma View Post
i went to my sons middle school grad ceremony (a whole nother subject why we are over praising our youth without significant accomplishments) Whoopdie do. High school is another ballpark dude. FAR more difficult. At least for others all I had to do was put in a little effort as I got through high school mostly through As on tests...for others it takes far more. Use your sentence AFTER he has finished High School.

and we stood and said the pledge of allegiance which included GOD. I was shocked because according to all the shit I read on facebook they dont do that anymore.
REALLY? FACEBOOK? All facebook does is giving whiny *****es a platform to talk and ruin relationships. Their "information" is about as real as a tabloid and about as important as The Statesmen Journal. Don't know what it is? Nuff said.

I think its American to make concessions for others because I feel like its the right thing to do, but we need to work on preserving our own heritage to some extent as well. YOu think it is ok that whatever woman has sex, gets pregnant then goes to Planned Parenthood or Dr Gosnell and has an abortion and kills a human child and I have to pay for that? That is progress? Marriage is fundamentally a religious ceremony, not a function of government so we should require religions to allow and recognize 2 men or 2 women who want to get married and I have to concede that it is ok? The benefits that come from the gov for marriage were put there to encourage procreation. No country or society can survive with out procreation of the population.

RELIGION MAKES REASONABLE PEOPLE ACT LIKE IDIOTS! If I offend thee with my post it proves my point and people do. Its not really freedom of religion when you get backlash from religious people about insulting their "GOD" or which god or doctrine. As for your statement doggyma this disgusting and depraved race has over 5 billion people we don't need any more **** trogloditic hellspawn in this world. I don't support killing people off but please stop breeding.

Technically we all came from a certain type of inappropriate breeding but it won't be expanded upon for the sake of being PG. (Ow saying PG hurts my head.)

we cannot continue to worship a book written thousands of years ago and take it word for word
But people in this country are free to believe what the want and be free of persecution as guaranteed by the 1st amendment. Is that one that you think should be done away with?
If you people agree to use it to do away with religion sure. Otherwise no.

and I also feel that we cannot continue to abide by a document hundreds of years old as well.
The constitution allows us to say crap about others and the government w/o fear of reprisal.

[COLOR="#FF0000"] Time change, people change, and hopefully the progression is for the positive.
No people don't change. We all just *****. The only thing that changes is the medium in which we *****. Going from handwritten letters to facebook. We are all just whiny *****es.

your UC example is not a good one IMO because its a private organization and not a public one. but I get your point.
My point was to try and bring some discussion to this dead forum. But you took it way over what I was hoping for.

Well thanks to me that changed. Aren't I awesome?

I think American needs to worry about Americans FIRST and that goes for with in our country and as well as globally. I cant stand that our government sends aid to starving children in other countries while we have hungry children right here in our back yard. I don't mind helping out but we are in a bad spot right now and we need to constrict our aid and refocus on our country.personally i think we are screwed because many of our simple problems have such massive ramifications if adjustments are made.
You are right, I agree we should take care of ours first. Just like sending our president and his family on a $60Million VACATION while the White House is closed to tours and people are being furloughed because of sequestration. Or sending them to Hawaii or to the Bahamas for spring break and our troops in Afghanistan have their hot meals cut back.

Guys do I even need to comment here? Moving on.

The "free market" got us in quite a bit of trouble, and the fact that our "classes" widen in difference as time goes by is a major issue. Ok, the free market has goten us in quite a mess, ok, I'll concede. The free market has in 235 years made the USA the strongest, richest, most compassionate country in the history of the planet. I agree, that is a problem. Your governemet5 has been pumping billions of $$ into the stock market for years now and who has gotten richer? The poor? no, the ones who were already rich. This president by executive order has been pumping $$ into the stock market to the tune of trillions for 4 years now and who has benefited? Has it been any of the hungry children you speak of? Has it been the war veterans returning from Iraq or Afghanistan with massive injuries? Is is the old lady who can't afford to buy her medications because she has to eat? No, it is the wall street bankers that are making the $$$. Do you realize that there is $9 trillion that is unaccounted for in the fed bank system right now? Where is that money??

My first job, I was paid min wage. it was $4.16/hr if you ad inflation that same $4.16/hr would now have the value of $10.48/hr. The current min wage is $7.25 federally. We need to raise it but how do we raise it without hurting tens of thousands of small businesses? The costs of materials is skyrocketing (as our dollar becomes weaker by the day) and we are now asking consumers to spend more money on everyday items which many cannot afford. Imagine what the raising of the min wage would do and compound the that issue. My first job I was making 4.25 an hour and I got married when I was making 6.75. Another thing that you didn't point out in raising the min wage, if it is raised EVERYTHING would go up. The cost of groceries, clothing, gas, cars, everything as the employees' pay is all figured into the price of goods. NOt to mention the people that would lose their jobs because of it.

Guys you seem to be nothing but irritable at this point. We aren't the richest or more prosperous. We've been in a ****load of debt since our country's founding...or do you not remember our debts to France. We are a country born in debt. We are like an adopted child XD.

our government is reactive only and not proactive. Now it is because your progressive president leads from behind. We now have a world that has the muslim brotherhood in control of Egypt, and Libya and now we are sending arms to them in Syria along with Al Qaeda along with the ones they already had. Egypt was a huge ally to the US but now??? Our ambassador was murdered and what did he do? We still don't know the answer to that one because we haven't gotten thru the lies that they told to try and cover it up.

This happens countless times with different situations. This scenario isn't unique.

not only that but our policies are so far behind the curve of real time events. if you want assistance you have to qualify under standards that are over a decade old.
No, you have it wrong, you go for assistance when you NEED assistance, not just want it. NEED! It shouldn't be easy to get assistance, it should be easier to get a job than to be on public assistance. That way there is incentive to get off and go to work. If you get public money or assistance, you should have to work for it. We don't need a nanny state.

Hate to break it to you guys but I could live my life as a king due to all sorts of gov't programs from mental "disabilities" to my IQ to gov't worrying about me being dangerous to inheritences. However for some F-ed up reason I don't get much access to it because it goes into a locked Swiss Bank account I have no access to. People need to stop whining about these programs. Nothing will change just more people *****in'
Enough input from me whether you like/believe me or my words is of no consequence to me or the world. Nothing will change.

I don't want to violate rules though so feel free to delete this post if necessary.

Lord Burch, how would you be breaking the rules by speaking your mind? That is one of the great things about this country, you have to right to say what ever you want (as long as you don't manipulate the obscenity filters)_ here with no fear of reprisals. I can't say I agree with your statement on religions and don't quite get the race comment but you have the right to say it, just as I have the right to disagree.