I would like to apologize for certain critical posts I've made about USA in the past.

I realize now that USA is the foremost and only guarantist of world peace and that the world would be a much worse place without the efforts of the United States of America, it's expenditures and spill of the blood of it's own devoted soldiers. Not only what you've done, but also the deterrent your presence has created.

I still believe the Iraqi war was wrong, but I am proud that in previous and subsequent conflicts my country has sent troops and planes to aid you in the effort of keeping the world a peaceful place based on human rights, democracy and opportunities for all.

In light of recent russian and chinese agression and with flashbacks to the old days of cold war I realize that world peace and security is not something we can take for granted, but something we have to fight for and the fact that USA is willing to spend the amount of money and casualties it has suffered to ensure this is truly admirable. The drain on US resources, money and military personell is substantial and the gratitude and rewards you've received in return is neglible.

There is no irony in this post, and this is is not an attempt to start a debate, in fact I will probably not visit this forum nor read any replies to this post. I just want to say thank you, and that I am grateful for what you are doing, and I am glad and proud that our boys have fought shoulder to shoulder with you in most conflicts we have encountered and that we will stand by you again in the future.

Thank you for efforts, resolution and devotion.