Hey guys,

It looks inevitable that some kind of war will break out, so I propose that we just agree on it here.
And have a war.

As soon as all original state from a nation die, the nation will be declared defeated and can not continue the war. Or something like it...so it is not a war to the last day.

NZ guys, warring is a whole new way of warring, I think you should join the war too and have a 3ways or is USG comes 4way war.
If you decide to join up, tell us now, so between NiP and Eleet, we can find an experience member who will join your nation and lead the war for you (best way to learn)

Alternatively, we can have 2 nation war, with ALL players from other nation joining us and we can have a war 20vs20 or so.

Just throwing few ideas out there.

What you guys think/propose?