I wanted to give you all a heads up about a new change that will be implemented either later today or tomorrow. It is a new server called, Independence. This server is different from our main game. It was designed based on two factors, 1) having a server that is less complicated for newer members and 2) a netting server for those who do not want to war. It's a basic setup right now but I'm sure there will be changes to it as we get a few sets under our belt. Below is a list of what you can expect:

- No Nations! - This server is states only.

- No Wars - Currently you are not able to war other states. This may change down the road depending on user input.

- No War attacks. Standard Attack is the only attack in the game.

- No aggressive Spy Attacks - Only non harmful spy attacks are available.

- New Theme - There is a new theme called "World". This is the default theme however, you are able to choose the Army theme if you want. Those are the only two themes that are available on new server. The desert and classic theme will be retired on the main game when the new version is released.

- New design - Not only does it include a new theme, but the navigational design is different as well. Many links have been combined into one tab. Example, Build is now listed under CONSTRUCTION tab. From this tab you are able to select, Build, Destroy and Expand. This is only one example as several of the other tabs have been combined.

- Upgrades - There are only 3 upgrades for units.

- Science - States are able to purchase and distribute science for their states. (nice feature)

- Server Tab - You will find a tab that will take you to a new page that lists both servers. This is so you can easily switch between the main game and the new server. Usernames are passed through the code however you will still need to enter a password. Typically, a browser will ask you if you want to save the password and if you do, then you would only have to enter it one time to switch back and forth.

There will be more changes to this server once we get a few sets under our belt. Also, I will not be collecting any end of sets data for a while. I want to get the kinks out before we collect that information. I'm going to keep the same 28 day rounds like the main sever, but we may extend these rounds a little and make it one turn every 20 minutes. Eventually, I will make it so once you sign in the game via the index screen, it will take you to the new server page but for now, it will still take you to the main game where you will have to switch via the server tab. No sense making it do this till we know the game runs smoothly and all the kinks are out. I will send an in game message to all of you when it is fully released, plus you'll see the "Server" tab
When the game is open and you start playing, please let me know of any issues you find. We'll use the first set or two as a beta test to work these out.
