There will be a couple of changes for next set.

Sanctions- will be removed from the game. I was hoping for better use of them but they just are not used at all. However I have another idea that I will let you in on shortly.

Bank Limit -

This will be raised, but only if you invest the tech for it. There will be a new tech for banking and as you invest tech, the bank limit rises for your members. The bottom line will still be 50B for those who do not invest or not in a nation, but if you invest and max the tech, the max balance goes to 82.5B.

We will test this for one set and see how it works and then make adjustments from there. I'm not fond of raising the limit, but this should give a boost to the techer strat which is good.

Following Sets -

Trade Embargo! Instead of Sanctions that made it so you couldn't attack or be attacked by that nation, you will now be able to place a trade embargo against other nations. This will make it so nobody in your nation can purchase their goods off the market till the embargo is lifted.. They simply won't show up in the available goods section. There will be no tech involved and you do not need to be part of the UN to do this. It is another tool for diplomacy outside of war. I like this idea as it effects both parties. The nation members trying to sell their goods will have a harder time moving them, but yet, if you keep them in place for too long then your own people may begin to get ticked as they can't supply their own states. But if used properly, this can be an effective tool.. This could also be used to start wars

I have the test version up and I'm working out the kinks. So far it's working well but I won't have this done in time for next set.

Nation Overview-

When you click on a tag from the nation scores to view the nation overview, you will be able to conduct all of your foreign affairs from that screen. This will also give more information. It will show who this nation is at war with, has trade embargo's with and other things. This whole section will be made to offer many more changes that will be headed our way.

Nation Flags - Each nation will automatically receive a nation flag. You can change this to what you would like, but if you don't there will be a default flag given for your nation.

Member pictures- Each state receive a default picture. Again, you can change this to what you would like but if not the default will show. The defaults will be leaders from history.

Newspaper - There will be a in game newspaper that will give more detail about global events. It will also have a section where you can write your own article if you wish. Each day there will be a new paper.

Stock Market- This one is still taking me some time, but nations will have an option to invest in a NW Stock market. Supply and demand as well as a few other secret values will dictate the prices of the stocks. Each stock will be based on the goods we sell and buy within the game.

These are just a few of the things that will be implemented in the game over the next few months. One other important thing to mention is, around the end of September the construction of my new house will be complete and I'll be moving. As exciting as it is to move into a new house, there is a bad side........... The house is way out in the country and I will not have cable internet any longer. I will either need to live with satellite internet or hub it off my phone or simply buy a card for my pc.. None of these choices excite me all that much. So what that means is, between moving and settling into the new house as well as limited internet access, my activity for the game will be very limited. Tnova will be taking over as the main admin till I get settled and up and running. I will still be able to log in at work, but again that will be limited. If he runs into trouble he will be able to contact me and I'll make arrangements to get on as soon as possible.

I would like to make some more changes on the attacks.. This will be the last set for a few sets that I can make these adjustments.. So if you want to see them adjusted you best make your suggestions before the end of this set or else you have to live with them for while

Our game is still moving along. We are still growing. Not rapidly but we are in positive growth. Thank you all for your continued support and helping us stay alive. We may be small but we still have one of the best online game around.