What is the most important aspect of Nation Wars? It is a strategy game undoubtedly. There are several different "strategy" sections. ie.:

State Orientation Strategy: War or Net
State Land Strategy: Techer, Farmer, Casher, Indy, Mixed
State Army Strategy: Unit Composition, army build
State Economic Strategy: Tax
State Operation Strategy: Expand, land grab

Nation Orientation Strategy: War or Net
Nation Land Strategy: Techer, Farmer, Casher, Indy, Mixed
Nation Army Strategy: Unit composition, army build
Nation Economical Strategy: Tax, etc.
Nation Political Strategy: Alliances, retal policies etc.

Undoubtedly the game is centered around land as the most important thing.
If we had to eliminate all but one aspect of the game and focus on just one, what would you prefer the gameplay to be?

A game about building types for your land.
A game about taxes and production rates for your land.
A game about armies to gain and defend your land.

IE. a game about:

Infrastructure tactics
Economic tactics
Military tactics