Apparently the nation USA feels it can do as it pleases without the fear of and consequences. A couple days ago a USA state did several act of war style attacks. In order to defend my nation I retaliated using military force and then reached out to the USA government. My issue was quickly ignored and I was pretty much told they will do as they wish.

My nation is a small peaceful nation not wishing harm against anyone. My reply to USA was that through the years I have made many friends and feel they would come to my aid if needed. USA replied they do not fear these people and that they have friends as well VB it wouldn't need to call on them as they are so big and powerful.

I am now forced to reach out to my friends for help. I feel this is where we could draw the line. If you support myself then as an act of support simply declare against USA. Not asking you to attack them at this time but if they see enough support for my nation perhaps they will get the point and back down.

If you support USA then declare against my nation. Guess we'll see who has more friends.

Thank you for your time and any assistance you can offer. They are preparing for war as we speak so time is of the essence.