First of all, I don`t understand your frustration about heavy inf states..its always been like that in WoW and now in NW. I don`t really see your point in balancing out your military. If someone wants to win, he`ll take the chance and even if he might be suicided on. If he is, he`ll just get back and continue. You can`t win going 20%inf/30%agm/50%ships. The unkeep will kill you before you become a landfarm.

Second, you intend to hit them next set. Ok. This game is just 3 sets old and you already want some people to leave it... if I`m not mistaking we have about 150 players or so, and about half of them is active or used turns at all. Now the question is- why you want to hurt the game? just cause you can`t compete doesn`t give you the right to force your play.

I`ve seen Rass make manical post about 20 min long. But I have to say, quantity never reflect quality.

If you want quality: show me the pros and cons your, I don`t know, crusade will bring next set, and if you have enough brain, give some evidence and example! If you can`t, just quit the game and play some RTS!

Go, rampage boys!