Changes for this set.

-The Patriot act is now in full effect. Anyone who is caught suiciding will be added to the known terrorist listing. Roll backs are an option, but don't depend on it happening.

- Min Member for nation has been put back to 4 instead of 2. You now need 4 to make the nation work properly.

- All nations now show up on the scores list.

There were a couple who suggested that we make all war attacks only usable during war time. I am holding off to see how the above changes work. It is still an option, but lets do things one at a time and see how it goes.

During this set i will work on the randoms for spy attacks and make the proper adjustments. If i can get them done before this current round starts i will.. If not they will have to wait till the start of next set.. I know most of you are wanting this change.. I has been on the list of things to do..

I haven't had a lot of free time the last month or so. Mad busy with work. I'm hoping it slows down some soon .
