Quote Originally Posted by Max Logan View Post
I have no idea why LD accepted you! After the last stunts you pulled, you should be out of GRIM for good.

You`re no nationmate, you`re just a selfish ****! Go make your 1 man tag and **** of, loser
Happy to be gone!

GRIM, apart from a few select members, is full of clueless idiots. You run around saying "OH WE ARE JUST NETTING PEACEFULLY" every ****ing set, then have the biggest cry when somebody wars you. READ THE TITLE OF THE ****ING GAME, IT CLEARLY SAYS NATION WARS, not NATIONS PLAYING PEACEFULLY TOGETHER IN THE LAND OF PRISTINE HARMONY, WHERE CLUELESS IDIOTS CAN PRETEND IN THEIR NAIVE MINDS THAT EVERYONE LIKES THEM AND NOBODY WOULD DARE DO OTHERWISE, BECAUSE THEY ARE THE BEST. Or perhaps that's your version of the game?

Selfish? Just because I can play the game, and half of your nation can't, does not make me selfish. I can play with skilled players, not half bred idiots who lack common knowledge nor reasoning skills. If people had of listened to me GRIM would not of been failing like it is now. I can understand if NEW players do not know what to do, but so called 'experienced' players such as yourself should know how to farm, no excuses.

You fail, time and time again. Give up on the game, because your going nowhere fast.