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Thread: A whole new style of attacking

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    Default A whole new style of attacking

    This is long, but it is an important read as this can really change everything and spice things up.

    So a while back I was doing what I always do, thinking about changes and improvements to the game and I was thinking about attacking and how certain units are just to hard make needed. Like tanks for instance. The only way to make tanks useful is to create it's own attack. But the problem is we can't really make it kill anything that isn't already killed.. And we have the same problem with Bombers.. We do have the bomb run but nobody uses it and tweaking it more isn't going to change that.. I also was thinking we can't really keep adding in all sorts of attacks cause well then we would have more attacks doing the same things.. Then a wild hair blew up my arse and i started thinking on how we could change the whole attack feature and styles. As it stands the game is the same.. And it's kinda boring. Each set i start out the same way, upgrade the same things and purchase the same units.. Why is that? Well cause the game is limited and way to protective of states. I know right now those of you who say it's too easy to kill a top state already and getting a little worried.. Well my question is, why should a top state have to only purchase 300B inf and 100B ships and a few Billion SAMS and win the set? I'm tired of seeing the same people win set after set doing the same thing and having the same units. You can tell who will win a set by the end of the first few days (as long as there are no wars of course) So i got to thinking why not mix it up a bit.. Instead of having more and more attacks, why not limit them but change the focus of the attacks... Ok here is my idea.. Read it all, think about it some and then give some feedback.

    There will be 4 attacks:

    Regular Attack- This is the same as Standard Attack just a new name. (needed to change the abbreviation so the name changed) This attack will be for land grabs. Just like it is now.

    Ground Attack- Infantry and Tanks vs Infantry and Tanks.

    Air Attack- Jets and Bombers vs Jets and Bombers.

    Sea Attack- Ships vs Ships.

    Now your thinking that is what we have now.. Well here is the twist.. We also have a drop down menu to target our attacks against.

    -Ground Units
    -Naval Bases
    -Food Supply

    You can use any attack (other then regular) to attack any of these focus points. Depending on the attack you select, certain units mentioned above would defend.

    So if i decide to do a Sea Attack against The White House(#2) and select population then my ships would attack and destroy a % of population and The White House's ships would defend. The same would work if i selected Ground Attack, then my Inf and Tanks would attack the population while the defending states Inf and Tanks defend.

    Nothing changes on attacking units and defending units... All that changes is what we can use them for to attack.. Instead of having Inf and Tanks kill the enemies Inf and Tanks, now we can select it to kill something else instead. This makes a use for ALL units and it also makes it so states have to really do more things to protect itself.

    Why should Jets destroy land?(not to mention jets killing land is... well.... weird! Why can't a Ground attack with Inf and Tanks destroy land too?

    Why should just ships lower readiness? Why can't an Air Attack lower readiness too?

    With this new way, this is all possible. Not to mention it would now increase the difficulty of the game a lot.. Which also brings new life into the game. Which we really could use.

    Now i know some of you who are set in your ways are not going to like this. The first thing you will say is, it will be too hard to defend against all those available ways to be hit. Well your right it will.. But why shouldn't it? Just cause it's always been that way doesn't mean it's the right way. This solves a ton of our attacking issues as well as unit issues. Now each and every unit could, and should be used.

    Think this all over and give me some feedback.. Please don't just shoot it down. yes this will change the game completely, but isn't that a good thing? We want change..

    oh and just so you know, i already have it coded and working on one of my test servers and personally i think it's bloody sweet.. Works perfectly and really makes things interesting.. But there is always room for improvement so let me know what you think and we will go from there.

    thanks and sorry so long..
    Last edited by Mr President; 03-10-2010 at 21:13.

    "You counted on America to be passive... You counted Wrong!"

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