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Thread: McCain's VP

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Munich, Bavaria, Germany / Leicester, England, UK


    1) I think many women are going to be offended rather than happy about this pick. Women are way too smart to fall for a gimmick like this. And they'll be pissed that McCain would even think that they would fall for it. When i saw her speaking on TV that night, she was talking about the glass ceiling and what not, and about how she would break through it for all women. And I just saw the look on McCain's face as he applauded with everyone in the crowd like "Ok ho, don't get too far ahead of yourself"
    don't underestiamte the naivity of the average american... they elected bush twice afterall...

    3) Her experience is extremely limited. She was the mayor of a city of like 5000 people. Governor of Alaska (who lives in Alaska?) for like 2 years. She didn't really have any experience with budget or anything. All she did was do crazy cuts to the construction budget in Alaska and raise taxes on oil companies to drill in Alaska and instead of saving the extra money generated, she sent out a check for a grand to every Alaskan resident. Sheeeit, if i got a $1000 check from Hitler he'd be my new best friend. So the fact that she has a +80% approval rating means nothing.
    since when does the VP have budget resposnibilities?
    also what peopel seem to forget is that the presidents and vice presidents aren'T the driving force behind their policies, but their adviers. they're beeign paid to make up for the lack of knowledge and experience the president or vice president has. which is why experience really isn'T a factor.

    4) Her positions on some topics are just stupid. She still thinks that global warming has nothing to do with humans at all.
    doesn'T the entire GOP do that?

    ) Her positions on some topics are just stupid. She still thinks that global warming has nothing to do with humans at all. She supports abstinence-only education in schools, even though its been shown that safe-sex education works more to prevent pregnancy and disease. She thinks that we shouldn't have to rely on foreign oil, but not because she thinks we need to find an alternate source of energy but that we have more than enough oil in America to support our oil addiction. And she doesn't want to list polar bears as an endangered species, even though their numbers have been steadily dropping because of global warming, because she's afraid it would harm oil and gas development into polar bear habitats.
    itsn'T it all pretty much the same as bushs' positions? and didn't he get elected twice? so apparantly around 50% of the voting population agree with her...

    Extra Bavariam nulla vita, et si vita, non est ita.
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  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by -Z- View Post
    sheez aa *** shezzaaaa Hoooooeeee SHEZ A hoe!


    the liberals are acctually saying nothing about it.

    its quite liberal of them, why would liberals have an issue with this?

    its the conservative base that would see it as wrong if u ask me... no?

    A ahahahahahah but theres your point librals have nothing wrong with it but she isnt the democratic VP now is she ahahahahhahah z
    [A] [SOUL] [WLF]x3 [TNG]x7 [LoR]x3 [XF]x2 [TNG] Currently owning in: TNG

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by KLL View Post
    don't underestiamte the naivity of the average american... they elected bush twice afterall...

    since when does the VP have budget resposnibilities?
    also what peopel seem to forget is that the presidents and vice presidents aren'T the driving force behind their policies, but their adviers. they're beeign paid to make up for the lack of knowledge and experience the president or vice president has. which is why experience really isn'T a factor.

    doesn'T the entire GOP do that?

    itsn'T it all pretty much the same as bushs' positions? and didn't he get elected twice? so apparantly around 50% of the voting population agree with her...

    Actually, I think Bush himself acknowledged that Climate Change may be real

    And here in Canada, our Conservative government actually had this huge PR on their "Green Plan". Which of course isn't green at all, but it just shows that even right wing parties know they can't deny it forever and still be in power.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tnova
    Hmmmm, well, I was speaking on a person to person basis, since you are one of my favorite people in the game.
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  4. #44
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    to answer an earlier post, it is Congress/House that makes laws. The reason so little has been done is they tack on these BS riders to good bills and force the Prez to veto and make HIM look bad. If we had a rep. house/senate I would be all for some change, however with both Dem, we need a Rep to balance it out or my paycheck will go to ****ers who chose not to work. i am taxed to death as it is
    There is no greater sin than apathy

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Munich, Bavaria, Germany / Leicester, England, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by ranger2112 View Post

    to answer an earlier post, it is Congress/House that makes laws. The reason so little has been done is they tack on these BS riders to good bills and force the Prez to veto and make HIM look bad. If we had a rep. house/senate I would be all for some change, however with both Dem, we need a Rep to balance it out or my paycheck will go to ****ers who chose not to work. i am taxed to death as it is
    you really don't want to see what its like in europe

    Extra Bavariam nulla vita, et si vita, non est ita.
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