Quote Originally Posted by Hoebawt View Post
Is the arcade still free for Ppl who have Perm accounts?

In order to keep a decent currency credit balance, all user groups have to
pay to play the arcade. Originally i was going to make it so prem members
had a free pass. I can't do this cause you would still make money and not
have anything to spend it on. Then when you are off the prem, you will
have a crap load of dead credits just sitting there.. BUT prem members do
have a lot of benefits too.

Lower interest rates on loans.
Lower loan payments
lower priced arcade passes (100 compared to 400 for everyone else)
Discounted ticket prices to play games ( will be up and running very soon)
Earn more credits then reg members when posting.
Higher saving interest rate
plus all your other normal benefits you get. I will be adding more soon too.
But we have to keep you working the credit system like everyone else has
to in order to keep it working smoothly.