The original missions were created for new members to help them learn there way around the game and basic functions. Last set i opened up them up to everyone so they could be really tested well. Other then a few little bugs, the system works very well and is liked by all of you. Liked so well that this set when they were set for new members (3 month or less) only, many of the veteran members complained about not being able to use them.

We can't really let you use them cause many of you can make a state and already have half the rewards. So it's like just giving you free things for nothing. So to answer all of your requests about being able to use them, the answer is no i just can't do it.. BUT, seeing they are so popular and they do add a little spice to the game, how about we make Missions for veteran members? These Missions would be much harder to achieve and you wouln't receive them just by creating a state .. There are a few things to keep in mind. First, the rewards! We can't make the rewards be so rewarding that is creates a huge imbalance between all the states. Some members are better then others and we can't make it so unfair for the not as good players (like me )

Also, the missions need to be hard. Perhaps 1 or 2 easier ones, but the rest need to really be meant to improve how many veteran players play. These missions could actually help teach veteran players how to play better.

So what i would like to do is get as many inputs and ideas on missions as we can. I will go through and select the best 10 or so and begin working on a script to make this happen. I doubt it would be ready by next set, but ya never know,, Prolly the set after due to creating and then massive testing that would need to be done. We need lots of ideas cause i can make some of them random so they change each set so we don't have to keep doing the same ones over and over.. But this all depends on how many ideas we have.

So please, let's hear some ideas on some new missions for veteran members.